首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Reduced reproductive performance associated with warmer ambient temperatures during incubation in a winter-breeding, food-storing passerine

Reduced reproductive performance associated with warmer ambient temperatures during incubation in a winter-breeding, food-storing passerine




Abstract Timing of reproduction can influence individual fitness whereby early breeders tend to have higher reproductive success than late breeders. However, the fitness consequences of timing of breeding may also be influenced by environmental conditions after the commencement of breeding. We tested whether ambient temperatures during the incubation and early nestling periods modulated the effect of laying date on brood size and dominant juvenile survival in gray jays ( Perisoreus canadensis ), a sedentary boreal species whose late winter nesting depends, in part, on caches of perishable food. Previous evidence has suggested that warmer temperatures degrade the quality of these food hoards, and we asked whether warmer ambient temperatures during the incubation and early nestling periods would be associated with smaller brood sizes and lower summer survival of dominant juveniles. We used 38 years of data from a range-edge population of gray jays in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, where the population has declined over 50% since the study began. Consistent with the ?¢????hoard-rot?¢???? hypothesis, we found that cold temperatures during incubation were associated with larger brood sizes in later breeding attempts, but temperatures had little effect on brood size for females breeding early in the season. This is the first evidence that laying date and temperature during incubation interactively influence brood size in any bird species. We did not find evidence that ambient temperatures during the incubation period or early part of the nestling period influenced summer survival of dominant juveniles. Our findings provide evidence that warming temperatures are associated with some aspects of reduced reproductive performance in a species that is reliant on cold temperatures to store perishable food caches, some of which are later consumed during the reproductive period.
机译:摘要繁殖时间会影响个体适应性,因此早期育种者的繁殖成功率往往高于晚期育种者。但是,育种时间的适应性后果也可能受到育种开始后环境条件的影响。我们测试了在孵化和早期筑巢期间的环境温度是否调节了产卵日期对灰色周杰伦(Perisoreus canadensis)(一种久坐的北方物种,​​其冬季晚期筑巢在一定程度上取决于易腐物的定居种群)的种群大小和优势幼体存活的影响。餐饮。以前的证据表明,温度升高会降低这些食物贮藏库的质量,我们询问在孵化期和早期筑巢期温度升高是否会与较小的繁殖群和优势幼体的夏季存活率降低有关。我们使用了来自安大略省阿尔冈金省立公园的灰边鸦的近缘种群的38年数据,自研究开始以来,该种群的数量下降了50%以上。与¢腐?¢腐?一致假设,我们发现孵化过程中的低温与后期繁殖尝试中较大的亲鱼大小有关,但温度对本季节早期繁殖的雌性的亲鱼大小影响很小。这是在孵化过程中产卵日期和温度相互作用影响任何鸟类亲鱼大小的第一个证据。我们没有发现证据表明潜伏期或雏鸟期早期的环境温度会影响优势少年的夏季生存。我们的发现提供了证据,表明温度升高与某些物种的繁殖性能下降有关,而该物种依赖于寒冷的温度来储存易腐烂的食物,其中一些在繁殖期以后被消耗掉。


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