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The evolution of different maternal investment strategies in two closely related desert vertebrates




Abstract We compared egg size phenotypes and tested several predictions from the optimal egg size (OES) and bet-hedging theories in two North American desert-dwelling sister tortoise taxa, Gopherus agassizii and G. morafkai , that inhabit different climate spaces: relatively unpredictable and more predictable climate spaces, respectively. Observed patterns in both species differed from the predictions of OES in several ways. Mean egg size increased with maternal body size in both species. Mean egg size was inversely related to clutch order in G. agassizii , a strategy more consistent with the within-generation hypothesis arising out of bet-hedging theory or a constraint in egg investment due to resource availability, and contrary to theories of density dependence, which posit that increasing hatchling competition from later season clutches should drive selection for larger eggs. We provide empirical evidence that one species, G. agassizii , employs a bet-hedging strategy that is a combination of two different bet-hedging hypotheses. Additionally, we found some evidence for G. morafkai employing a conservative bet-hedging strategy. (e.g., lack of intra- and interclutch variation in egg size relative to body size). Our novel adaptive hypothesis suggests the possibility that natural selection favors smaller offspring in late-season clutches because they experience a more benign environment or less energetically challenging environmental conditions (i.e., winter) than early clutch progeny, that emerge under harsher and more energetically challenging environmental conditions (i.e., summer). We also discuss alternative hypotheses of sexually antagonistic selection, which arise from the trade-offs of son versus daughter production that might have different optima depending on clutch order and variation in temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) among clutches. Resolution of these hypotheses will require long-term data on fitness of sons versus daughters as a function of incubation environment, data as yet unavailable for any species with TSD.
机译:摘要我们比较了蛋大小表型,并在两个居住在不同气候空间的北美沙漠居住的姐妹乌龟类群Gopherus agassizii和G. morafkai中,根据最佳蛋大小(OES)和对冲理论对了几种预测。更可预测的气候空间。两个物种的观测模式在几个方面与OES的预测不同。在这两个物种中,平均卵大小均随母体大小而增加。平均蛋大小与G. agassizii中的离合顺序成反比,该策略与赌注套期保值理论所产生的代内假设或由于资源可得性而对蛋投资的限制更为一致,并且与密度依赖性理论相反,这就意味着来自后期鸡种的孵化场竞争的加剧将促使人们选择更大的卵。我们提供的经验证据表明,一个物种G. agassizii使用一种对冲策略,该策略是两种不同的对冲假设的组合。此外,我们发现G. morafkai采用了保守的对冲策略。 (例如,卵大小相对于体型缺乏离合器内和离合器间的变化)。我们的新的适应性假说表明,自然选择可能会偏爱较小季节后代离合器的后代,因为与早期离合器后代相比,它们在更恶劣和更具挑战性的环境下会经历更温和的环境或更少的充满活力的环境条件(例如,冬天)条件(例如夏天)。我们还讨论了性对抗选择的其他假设,这些假设来自儿子与女儿的权衡取舍,这些取舍可能取决于离合器的顺序和离合器之间温度相关的性别确定(TSD)的变化而具有不同的最佳状态。要解决这些假设,就需要长期的数据,作为孵化环境的函数,关于子代与子代的适应性,但尚无任何TSD物种的数据。


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