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Regenerative strategies for climate justice




The starting-point for this paper is a growing concern about the strong and creative tension between what is global and what is local in the context of climate change and food systems. The global expression is undoubtedly powerful, based on large-scale, resource-intensive, agribusiness enterprises operating globally and seeking continued international expansion. But a tide is rising, which is reinforcing the local manifestation and provoking a strengthened commitment to local food systems while enhancing the resilience to climate change. Tragically it is those who have contributed the least to green house gas emissions who are suffering the worst effects of climate change. This paper will feature a project in the Koraput district of the state of Odisha in India, where 70% of the population is dependent on agriculture in a region where late and erratic Monsoon rains are impacting the course of farming. The region is known for its abundance of paddy fields as well as many varieties of millets, yam, and tuber crops, which are gradually vanishing due to the introduction of cash crops and GM seeds, and the increasing impact of climate change. The constant change in the environment of tribal communities in the region creates an imperative for constant learning. In this context the paper will analyse a project-based-learning and grass-roots campaign ‘Grow your own Food’ led by the tribal Women’s Federation Orissa Nari Samaj, and the local NGO THREAD, to counteract the so called “Climate-Smart Agriculture” (CSA) techniques. CSA in the region is encouraging the use of modified seeds, chemical pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers, as well as high-risk technologies such as synthetic biology, and geo-engineering. This imposition of new biotechnology has been particularly damaging for the local farmers. The paper will analyse how new climate resilient agriculture approaches combined with traditional ways of food growing and drought tolerant plants are improving the productivity of their soils and the nutrition of their meals. The paper concludes by considering the role of Education for Sustainable Development in supporting indigenous communities in climate-vulnerable regions to develop locally adapted agro-ecological responses, while attempting to address the deeper structural changes needed to tackle the root causes of poverty and climate change in the Global South.
机译:本文的出发点越来越关注在气候变化和粮食系统的背景下,全球性与地方性之间的强烈和创造性的张力。毫无疑问,这种全球表达是有力的,其基础是在全球开展业务并寻求持续国际扩张的大型,资源密集型农业综合企业。但是潮流正在上升,这正在强化当地的表现形式,并在加强对气候变化的抵御能力的同时,激发了对当地粮食系统的更坚定的承诺。可悲的是,那些在温室气体排放中贡献最少的人正遭受着气候变化的最严重影响。本文将以印度奥里萨邦州科拉普特地区的一个项目为特色,该地区70%的人口依赖农业,而该地区季风雨过晚且不稳定,影响了农业发展。该地区以其丰富的稻田以及许多小米,山药和块茎作物而著称,由于引入经济作物和转基因种子,以及气候变化的影响越来越大,这些作物正逐渐消失。该地区部落社区环境的不断变化为不断学习提供了必要条件。在此背景下,本文将分析由部落妇女联合会Orissa Nari Samaj和当地非政府组织THREAD领导的基于项目的学习和基层运动“种植自己的食物”,以抵消所谓的“气候智能农业” (CSA)技术。该地区的CSA鼓励使用改性种子,化学农药和合成肥料以及高风险技术,例如合成生物学和地球工程。强加新生物技术对当地农民尤其有害。本文将分析新的抗气候变化农业方法,结合传统的粮食种植和耐旱植物方法,如何提高土壤生产力和膳食营养。本文最后通过考虑可持续发展教育在支持气候脆弱地区的土著社区发展适应当地情况的农业生态对策方面的作用,同时试图解决为解决贫困和气候变化的根源而需要的更深层次的结构性变化。全球南方。



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