首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Estimating the spatial distribution of wintering little brown bat populations in the eastern United States

Estimating the spatial distribution of wintering little brown bat populations in the eastern United States




AbstractDepicting the spatial distribution of wildlife species is an important first step in developing management and conservation programs for particular species. Accurate representation of a species distribution is important for predicting the effects of climate change, land-use change, management activities, disease, and other landscape-level processes on wildlife populations. We developed models to estimate the spatial distribution of little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) wintering populations in the United States east of the 100th meridian, based on known hibernacula locations. From this data, we developed several scenarios of wintering population counts per county that incorporated uncertainty in the spatial distribution of the hibernacula as well as uncertainty in the size of the current little brown bat population. We assessed the variability in our results resulting from effects of uncertainty. Despite considerable uncertainty in the known locations of overwintering little brown bats in the eastern United States, we believe that models accurately depicting the effects of the uncertainty are useful for making management decisions as these models are a coherent organization of the best available information.
机译:摘要描述野生动植物物种的空间分布是制定特定物种管理和保护计划的重要第一步。准确地表示物种分布对于预测气候变化,土地利用变化,管理活动,疾病和其他景观层面的过程对野生动植物种群的影响非常重要。我们基于已知的冬虫夏草位置,开发了模型来估算美国第100个子午线以东的小褐蝙蝠(Myotis lucifugus)越冬种群的空间分布。从这些数据中,我们得出了每个县越冬人口数的几种情况,其中包括了冬虫夏草的空间分布的不确定性以及目前的小棕蝙蝠种群的大小的不确定性。我们评估了不确定性影响导致的结果变异性。尽管在美国东部越冬的棕色蝙蝠越冬的已知位置存在很大的不确定性,但我们认为准确描述不确定性影响的模型对于做出管理决策很有用,因为这些模型是提供最佳信息的连贯组织。



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