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Oosorption in response to poor food: complexity in the trade‐off between reproduction and survival




AbstractPlasticity in reproductive physiology is one avenue by which environmental signals, such as poor quality food, can be coordinated with adaptive responses. Insects have the ability to resorb oocytes that are not oviposited. Oosorption is proposed to be an adaptive mechanism to optimize fitness in hostile environments, recouping resources that might otherwise be lost, and reinvesting them into future reproductive potential. We tested the hypothesis that oosorption is an evolved mechanism by which females can reallocate resources from current reproductive effort to survival and future reproduction, when conditions for reproduction are poor, by examining the reproductive physiology and life-history outcome under poor quality food in populations of the milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus) that have adapted to live on sunflower seed. Females fed a diet of pumpkin seeds, known to be a poor host food, had higher levels of ovarian apoptosis (oosorption), lower reproductive output, but no reduction in life span under poor nutrition, as predicted under the oosorption hypothesis. However, the schedule of reproduction was surprising given the “wait to reproduce” assumption of oosorption as early fecundity was unaffected.
机译:摘要生殖生理学中的可塑性是一种途径,通过该途径可以将环境信号(例如劣质食品)与适应性反应进行协调。昆虫具有吸收未排卵卵母细胞的能力。有人认为渗透吸收是一种适应性机制,可以优化在敌对环境中的适应性,收回原本可能会丢失的资源,并将其重新投资于未来的繁殖潜力。我们检验了以下假设:在生殖条件差的情况下,通过检查低质量食物中种群的生殖生理和生活史结果,雌性可以从当前的生殖努力向生存和未来的生殖重新分配资源。适应生活在葵花籽上的乳草虫(Oncopeltus fasciatus)。如在卵吸附假设下所预测的那样,以南瓜籽饮食(已知是宿主食物较差)进食的雌性,其卵巢细胞凋亡(卵吸收)水平较高,生殖输出较低,但在营养不良的情况下,寿命没有减少。但是,鉴于早期生殖力未受影响,考虑到“等待繁殖”的吸收假设,繁殖的时间表令人惊讶。



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