
Community forestry and REDD+ in Cameroon: what future?

机译:喀麦隆的社区林业和REDD +:未来会怎样?



The Cameroonian Readiness Preparation Proposal recognizes community forests (CFs) as one strategy for implementing REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries). However, there has been little analysis of the extent to which CFs can help achieve REDD+ objectives in Cameroon. We explore options for REDD+ within CFs, as well as challenges and possible ways forward. Cocoa agroforestry in deforested or highly degraded CFs is currently the most competitive option for implementing REDD+ while delivering ecological, economic, and social cobenefits. Reduced-impact logging and conservation or natural regeneration are technically sound options for emissions reductions within CFs, but are unlikely to compete with other more profitable activities at the current low carbon market prices of approximately USD $5/tonne of carbon. However, these options could potentially compete under a social cost of carbon estimated at $43/tonne of carbon. The current CF architecture presents a set of factors that could favor REDD+ implementation, including: good legal and institutional frameworks and practices compatible with REDD+ safeguards, experience and knowledge in related payments for ecosystem services and performance-based finance pilots, and social capital in a community of practice. The CF architecture also features potentially inhibiting factors such as poor governance (notably, elite capture and corruption), unclear carbon rights, and financing challenges. We identify a set of enabling actions for delivery of REDD+ within CFs in Cameroon, which include: clarifying carbon rights; establishing a benefit-sharing mechanism from the national to the local level with clear rules for rewarding emission reductions in CFs; and building monitoring, reporting, and verification infrastructure for REDD+ within CFs. More importantly, adopting an integrated approach in which CFs serve multiple objectives, including ecosystem-based adaptation, REDD+, and the original community forestry objectives could enable drawing from both adaptation and mitigation finance, technical support, and provide long-term sustainable development benefits.
机译:喀麦隆准备就绪提案将社区森林(CFs)视为实施REDD +的一种策略(减少森林砍伐和森林退化产生的排放以及保护,可持续森林管理和增加发展中国家森林碳储量的作用)。但是,很少有分析表明CF可以在多大程度上帮助实现喀麦隆的REDD +目标。我们将探讨CF中REDD +的选项,以及挑战和可能的前进方式。目前,在砍伐森林或高度退化的CF中,可可农林业是实施REDD +的最有竞争力的选择,同时又能带来生态,经济和社会效益。减少影响的伐木和养护或自然再生是CFs减排的技术上合理的选择,但在当前约5美元/吨碳的低碳市场价格下,不太可能与其他更具盈利能力的活动竞争。但是,这些选择可能会在估计为43美元/吨碳的社会碳成本下竞争。当前的CF架构提出了一系列可能有利于REDD +实施的因素,包括:与REDD +保障相兼容的良好法律和体制框架和实践,生态系统服务和基于绩效的金融试点的相关支付方面的经验和知识,以及在实践社区。 CF体系结构还具有潜在的抑制因素,例如治理不善(尤其是精英捕获和腐败),碳权不明确以及融资挑战。我们确定了一系列在喀麦隆CF内交付REDD +的扶持行动,其中包括:澄清碳权;建立从国家到地方的利益共享机制,并制定明确的规则以奖励CFs的减排;并在CF中为REDD +构建监控,报告和验证基础结构。更重要的是,采用一种综合方法,在其中CF可以满足多个目标,包括基于生态系统的适应,REDD +和最初的社区林业目标,这可以使适应和减缓资金,技术支持同时产生,并提供长期的可持续发展利益。



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