首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Different facets of tree sapling diversity influence browsing intensity by deer dependent on spatial scale

Different facets of tree sapling diversity influence browsing intensity by deer dependent on spatial scale




Abstract Browsing of tree saplings by deer hampers forest regeneration in mixed forests across Europe and North America. It is well known that tree species are differentially affected by deer browsing, but little is known about how different facets of diversity, such as species richness, identity, and composition, affect browsing intensity at different spatial scales. Using forest inventory data from the Hainich National Park, a mixed deciduous forest in central Germany, we applied a hierarchical approach to model the browsing probability of patches (regional scale) as well as the species-specific proportion of saplings browsed within patches (patch scale). We found that, at the regional scale, the probability that a patch was browsed increased with certain species composition, namely with low abundance of European beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) and high abundance of European ash ( Fraxinus excelsior L.), whereas at the patch scale, the proportion of saplings browsed per species was mainly determined by the species?¢???? identity, providing a ?¢????preference ranking?¢???? of the 11 tree species under study. Interestingly, at the regional scale, species-rich patches were more likely to be browsed; however, at the patch scale, species-rich patches showed a lower proportion of saplings per species browsed. Presumably, diverse patches attract deer, but satisfy nutritional needs faster, such that fewer saplings need to be browsed. Some forest stand parameters, such as more open canopies, increased the browsing intensity at either scale. By showing the effects that various facets of diversity, as well as environmental parameters, exerted on browsing intensity at the regional as well as patch scale, our study advances the understanding of mammalian herbivore?¢????plant interactions across scales. Our results also indicate which regeneration patches and species are (least) prone to browsing and show the importance of different facets of diversity for the prediction and management of browsing intensity and regeneration dynamics.
机译:鹿在欧洲和北美的混交林中对树苗的抽象浏览阻碍了森林的再生。众所周知,树种受鹿浏览的影响不同,但对物种多样性,身份和组成等多样性的不同方面如何影响不同空间尺度上的浏览强度知之甚少。利用来自海尼希国家公园(德国中部的落叶落叶混交林)的森林清单数据,我们应用了一种分层方法来对斑块的浏览概率(区域规模)以及斑块内浏览的树苗的特定物种比例(斑块规模)进行建模。 )。我们发现,在区域范围内,浏览斑块的可能性随某些物种的组成而增加,即欧洲山毛榉(Fagus sylvatica L.)的丰度较低,欧洲灰(Faxinus excelsior L.)的丰度较高,而在在斑块规模上,每个物种浏览的树苗比例主要由物种决定。身份,提供偏好排名?正在研究的11种树种中。有趣的是,在区域范围内,更容易浏览物种丰富的斑块。但是,在斑块规模上,物种丰富的斑块显示浏览的每个物种的树苗比例较低。据推测,各种各样的斑块可以吸引鹿,但是可以更快地满足营养需求,因此需要浏览的树苗更少。一些林分参数(例如更开放的树冠)在任何一个尺度上都增加了浏览强度。通过显示多样性的各个方面以及环境参数对区域和斑块尺度的浏览强度的影响,我们的研究提高了跨尺度对哺乳动物草食动物-植物-植物相互作用的理解。我们的研究结果还表明哪些再生斑块和物种最不易于浏览,并显示了多样性的不同方面对于浏览强度和再生动态的预测和管理的重要性。


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