首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Temporal constraints on the potential role of fry odors as cues of past reproductive success for spawning lake trout

Temporal constraints on the potential role of fry odors as cues of past reproductive success for spawning lake trout




Abstract Deciding where to reproduce is a major challenge for most animals. Many select habitats based upon cues of successful reproduction by conspecifics, such as the presence of offspring from past reproductive events. For example, some fishes select spawning habitat following odors released by juveniles whose rearing habitat overlaps with spawning habitat. However, juveniles may emigrate before adults begin to search for spawning habitat; hence, the efficacy of juvenile cues could be constrained by degradation or dissipation rates. In lake trout ( Salvelinus namaycush ), odors deposited by the previous year's offspring have been hypothesized to guide adults to spawning reefs. However, in most extant populations, lake trout fry emigrate from spawning reefs during the spring and adults spawn during the fall. Therefore, we postulated that the role of fry odors in guiding habitat selection might be constrained by the time between fry emigration and adult spawning. Time course chemical, physiological, and behavioral assays indicated that the odors deposited by fry likely degrade or dissipate before adults select spawning habitats. Furthermore, fry feces did not attract wild lake trout to constructed spawning reefs in Lake Huron. Taken together, our results indicate fry odors are unlikely to act as cues for lake trout searching for spawning reefs in populations whose juveniles emigrate before the spawning season, and underscore the importance of environmental constraints on social cues.
机译:摘要决定在哪里繁殖是大多数动物面临的主要挑战。许多选择栖息地都是基于特定物种成功繁殖的线索,例如过去繁殖事件产生的后代。例如,一些鱼类会根据幼鱼释放的气味来选择产卵的栖息地,这些幼鱼的饲养环境与产卵的栖息地重叠。但是,在成年人开始寻找产卵的栖息地之前,可能会有青少年移居。因此,幼稚线索的效力可能受到降解或耗散率的限制。据推测,在湖鳟鱼(Salvelinus namaycush)中,去年的后代沉积的气味会引导成年人进入产卵的礁石。但是,在大多数现存种群中,鳟鱼鱼苗在春季时从产卵礁石中移出,而成年人在秋季时产卵。因此,我们推测鱼苗气味在指导栖息地选择中的作用可能受到鱼苗迁徙和成年产卵之间时间的限制。时程化学,生理学和行为学分析表明,在成年人选择产卵栖息地之前,鱼苗沉积的气味可能会降解或消散。此外,鱼苗没有吸引野生湖鳟到休伦湖人工产卵的礁石。综上所述,我们的结果表明,鱼腥味不太可能成为鳟鱼寻找在产卵季节之前移徙的种群中产卵礁的线索,并强调了环境限制对社会线索的重要性。


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