首页> 外文期刊>Italian Journal of Public Health >Effect of the Irish Civil War 1922-1923 on suicide rates in Ireland: a retrospective investigation of the archives of the registrar-general for Saorstát éireann

Effect of the Irish Civil War 1922-1923 on suicide rates in Ireland: a retrospective investigation of the archives of the registrar-general for Saorstát éireann




Introduction: Emile Durkheim differentiated between two types of wars: National and Civil Wars in terms of effect on suicide mortality. This study investigates Durkheim’s assertion by examining the effect of Irish Civil War on the 1882-1928 suicide rates trend. Method: We used Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average with Explanatory variables (ARIMAX) design adopting Bayesian approach. Results: The odds for death by suicide for the total Irish population during the civil war period were calculated as 0.932 (95% CI: 0.753 to 1.125). This translates to a reduction in the suicide rates by 6.7% (95% CI: 24.7% to -12.5%). The odds for death by suicide for the total Irish population during the First World War period were calculated as 0.872 (95% CI: 0.754 to 0.997). This indicates to a reduction in the suicide rates by 12.8% (95% CI: 24.6% to 0.3%). Conclusion: Evidence from this study support a significant drop in terms of the intensity of suicidal behaviour in the Irish population during World War I more so than during the Irish Civil War. Conflict of interest: none.
机译:简介:埃米尔·涂尔干(Emile Durkheim)在对自杀死亡率的影响方面区分了两种类型的战争:国家战争和内战。这项研究通过研究爱尔兰内战对1882-1928年自杀率趋势的影响来调查涂尔干的主张。方法:我们采用采用贝叶斯方法的带有解释变量的自回归综合移动平均值(ARIMAX)设计。结果:在内战时期,爱尔兰全部人口的自杀死亡几率计算为0.932(95%CI:0.753至1.125)。这意味着自杀率降低了6.7%(95%CI:24.7%至-12.5%)。第一次世界大战期间,爱尔兰全部人口的自杀死亡几率计算为0.872(95%CI:0.754至0.997)。这表明自杀率降低了12.8%(95%CI:24.6%至0.3%)。结论:这项研究的证据表明,第一次世界大战期间爱尔兰人口的自杀行为强度比爱尔兰内战期间的自杀行为强度显着下降。利益冲突:无。



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