首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Effect of Dietary Protein Level (as Substitution of Maize with Soybean Meal) on Growth Rate and Feed Efficiency of Cinta Senese Pig in the Growing-Fattening Period

Effect of Dietary Protein Level (as Substitution of Maize with Soybean Meal) on Growth Rate and Feed Efficiency of Cinta Senese Pig in the Growing-Fattening Period




This study aimed to provide first indications on the protein requirement of Cinta Senese pigs. The effect of various dietary protein contents on in vita performance was tested. Sixty Cinta Senese pigs were equally distributed in four dietary groups, balanced for sex (barrow and gilt) and live weight. At the start of the trial, pigs were approximately 130 d old and weighed an average 46.6 kg. Groups were fed four diets with different protein content (approximately 8, 10, 13 and 16%, named 8% P, 10% P, 13% P, 16% P, respectively), obtained by using different maize/soybean meal ratios. Diets were administered to pigs during the entire growing-fattening period in a controlled dose of 90 g/kg W0.75, until a maximum of 2.5 kg/d pro capite. Feed distributed per pen was recorded daily and individual weight and ultrasonic backfat thickness were periodically recorded. The trial lasted approximately 250 d and finished when animals reached the target slaughter weight of 145 kg. The 8% P diet determined a lower growth rate than the other diets; after 250 d, pigs receiving this diet were 20 kg lighter than those receiving the other diets. The 10% P diet determined body weights always lower than the 13% P and 16% P diets, but the difference decreased in the middle of the trial period. The pigs fed 13% P and 16% P diets showed the same growth rate. Moreover, through the whole growth period, the 8% P diet produced higher fat thickness than the other three diets which showed similar results. The 8% P diet determined the highest FCIs. The 16% P diet showed the best feed conversion until approximately 70 kg of l.w., but after this weight it became progressively less efficient than the 10% P and 13% P diets. Consequently, the cumulative intake of that diet was the lowest only for the first 60 kg of gain. The 10% P diet gave the best FCI starting from 80 kg of l.w. In consideration of the cost of protein feed and the need to reduce N pollution, the 10% P diet could be the optimal compromise for growth-fattening in the Cinta Senese pig, certainly over 70 kg of l.w.
机译:这项研究旨在提供对Cinta Senese猪蛋白质需求的初步指征。测试了各种饮食蛋白质含量对维生素性能的影响。将60只Cinta Senese猪平均分为四个饮食组,按性别(手推车和后备母猪)和活重平衡。在试验开始时,猪约130 d大,平均体重46.6 kg。给各组喂食四种具有不同蛋白质含量的日粮(分别约为8%,10%,13%和16%,分别命名为8%P,10%P,13%P,16%P),这些日粮是通过使用不同的玉米/豆粕比例获得的。在整个生肥阶段,以90 g / kg W 0.75 的受控剂量对猪进行日粮管理,直至最大头孢螨素2.5 kg / d。每天记录每只笔分配的饲料,并定期记录个体重量和超声背脂厚度。试验持续了大约250天,并在动物达到145公斤的目标屠宰体重时结束。 8%的磷饮食决定了比其他饮食低的生长速度; 250天后,接受这种饮食的猪比接受其他饮食的猪轻20公斤。 10%P饮食确定的体重始终低于13%P和16%P饮食,但差异在试验期中期有所降低。饲喂13%P和16%P日粮的猪生长速度相同。而且,在整个生长期中,8%P饮食产生的脂肪厚度要比其他三种饮食显示出相似的结果。 8%的磷饮食决定了最高的FCI。 16%P的日粮显示出最佳的饲料转化率,直至约70 kg体重,但在此重量之后,其效率逐渐低于10%P和13%P的日粮。因此,该饮食的累积摄入量仅在开始的60公斤中最低。从80公斤体重开始,10%磷饮食可提供最佳FCI。考虑到蛋白质饲料的成本和减少氮污染的需要,含磷10%的日粮可能是辛塔塞尼斯猪(肯定超过70千克体重)生长肥育的最佳折衷方案。



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