首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Effect of a multi-enzymatic mix in a sorghum-soybean meal-based ration on hen performance

Effect of a multi-enzymatic mix in a sorghum-soybean meal-based ration on hen performance




The use of individual enzymes in the diet of hens has shown an improvement in egg production, and mixtures are now being included to increase feed utilisation and impact on performance in hens. The objective of our study was to evaluate the use of an enzyme blend in a sorghum-soymeal-based ration (protein 17.5% and ME 2900 kcal/kg) on performance. Hens of two lines: Hy-line (n=732) and Bovans white (n=365), aged eighteen weeks, were used to evaluated three treatments (control, Ronozyme blend or Cybenza). The birds were lodged in cages with a density of 485 cm2 per hen (four hens per cage). There were no differences (P>0.05) among enzymatic treatments or their interactions with the hen line on egg yield, egg mass, feed-to-egg ratio, or egg quality. However, the efficiency was higher with Hy-line (P0.05). Based on our results, we concluded that the use of a multi-enzyme mixture in a sorghum-soymeal-based hen feed has a minor effect on performance, regardless of hen genetics.
机译:在母鸡的饮食中使用单独的酶已显示出产蛋量的改善,现在包括混合饲料以提高饲料利用率并影响母鸡的生产性能。我们研究的目的是评估在高粱豆粕型日粮(蛋白质17.5%和ME 2900 kcal / kg)中使用酶混合物的性能。两条母鸡:Hy-line(n = 732)和Bovans white(n = 365),年龄18周,用于评估三种治疗方法(对照,Ronozyme混合或Cybenza)。将鸡圈养在每只母鸡485 cm 2 的笼子里(每笼四只母鸡)。酶处理之间或它们与母鸡系之间的相互作用在蛋产量,蛋质量,饲料蛋比或蛋质量上没有差异(P> 0.05)。但是,使用Hy-line的效率更高(P0.05)。根据我们的结果,我们得出结论,无论母鸡遗传如何,在基于高粱-豆粕的母鸡饲料中使用多种酶混合物对生产性能的影响很小。



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