首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Estimates of genetic parameters for monthly egg production traits in a commercial broiler female line

Estimates of genetic parameters for monthly egg production traits in a commercial broiler female line




In this study, genetic parameters for monthly records of egg production, collected from weeks 24 to 55 on 16,830 hens during nine generations from a pedigreed commercial broiler female line, were estimated with single-trait, multiple-trait and repeated records animal models, using restricted maximum likelihood procedures. With and without age at sexual maturity as a covariate, two models were fitted to the data for each analysis. From the weekly productions, eight monthly records on a 28-day basis were created. The estimate of heritability from single-trait analysis for the first month’s record was relatively high (0.428), decreased to 0.150 and 0.092 in the second and third months, respectively, and then, with minor fluctuations, remained constant. Age at sexual maturity had a substantial influence only on heritability of the first month (0.192) and, to some extent, of the second month (0.103). Estimates of heritability and repeatability decreased from 0.067 and 0.379 to 0.029 and 0.251, respectively, owing to age at sexual maturity. Genetic correlations were generally positive, being relatively high to very high between adjacent monthly records, ranging from 0.725 (between the first and second month) to 0.986 (between the fourth and fifth month). These estimates between monthly records decreased as the time interval of the ages increased. The effect of age at sexual maturity on reduction of heritability of the first month’s record and of its genetic correlations with all other monthly records suggests that it is essentially necessary to be included in the model or that the analysis is carried out without the first month’s record.
机译:在这项研究中,通过使用单性状,多性状和重复记录动物模型,估计了从纯种商品肉鸡雌性系的9代中的16 830只母鸡在24至55周中收集的每月产蛋记录的遗传参数,使用限制最大似然程序。在有和没有年龄的情况下,性成熟度作为协变量,每个模型的数据拟合了两个模型。从每周的制作中,创建了28天的八个月记录。单性状分析对第一个月记录的遗传力估计相对较高(0.428),第二个月和第三个月分别下降至0.150和0.092,然后在较小的波动下保持不变。性成熟的年龄仅对第一个月的遗传力(0.192)有很大影响,并且在一定程度上对第二个月的遗传力(0.103)有影响。由于性成熟的年龄,遗传力和重复性的估计值分别从0.067和0.379降低到0.029和0.251。遗传相关性通常为正,相邻月度记录之间的相关性相对较高或很高,范围从0.725(第一个月和第二个月之间)到0.986(第四个月和第五个月之间)。每月记录之间的这些估计随着年龄的时间间隔的增加而减少。性成熟时的年龄对第一个月记录的遗传力降低及其与所有其他每月记录的遗传相关性的影响表明,本质上有必要将其包括在模型中,或者在没有第一个月记录的情况下进行分析。



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