首页> 外文期刊>ISIJ international >Optimized Cr Concentration in Reinforcement Steel for High Corrosion Resistance in Simulated Pore Solution by Electrochemical and Cyclic Corrosion Tests

Optimized Cr Concentration in Reinforcement Steel for High Corrosion Resistance in Simulated Pore Solution by Electrochemical and Cyclic Corrosion Tests




Nine samples of low-carbon steel were prepared by varying composition of Cr and Mn. The weight% of Cr and Mn in samples are 0.2Cr, 0.5Cr and 5Cr, and 0.5Mn, 1.0Mn and 1.5Mn respectively.The electrochemical tests such as corrosion potential, EIS, Linear polarization and Cyclic polarization were conducted on samples in simulated pore solution with and without the presence of 3.5% NaCl. Separately, samples were exposed to wet-dry corrosion test and their corrosion products were examined by XRD and FTIR. Further, oxidised surface was studied by SEM/EDS.The samples show passive behaviour in chloride free pore solution but passivity breaks after chloride addition. Even, 5Cr containing steels could not hold passive characteristic in chloride medium. In wet-dry corrosion test, 5Cr containing steels develop loose and voluminous corrosion products which is highly detrimental for rebar application.On the contrary, the lower Cr containing steels, 0.2Cr and 0.5Cr, produce thin and adherent rust in wet-dry corrosion test. In electrochemical test, these steel samples too transfer from passive to active state after chloride ion addition in pore solution but their behaviour is superior. More particularly, two steel chemistry 0.2Cr, 0.5Mn and 0.5Cr, 1.5Mn show a sign of repassivation and pitting resistance respectively.
机译:通过改变Cr和Mn的成分,制备了9个低碳钢样品。样品中Cr和Mn的重量百分比分别为0.2Cr,0.5Cr和5Cr,以及0.5Mn,1.0Mn和1.5Mn。在模拟样品中进行了电化学测试,如腐蚀电位,EIS,线性极化和循环极化含或不含3.5%NaCl的孔溶液。分别将样品暴露于干湿腐蚀试验中,并通过XRD和FTIR检查其腐蚀产物。此外,通过SEM / EDS对氧化表面进行了研究,样品在无氯的孔溶液中表现出被动行为,但添加氯化物后钝化能力下降。甚至含5Cr的钢在氯化物介质中也不能保持被动特性。在干湿腐蚀试验中,含5Cr的钢会产生松散而大量的腐蚀产物,这对钢筋应用是非常有害的;相反,较低含量的Cr的钢0.2Cr和0.5Cr在湿干腐蚀中会产生薄而附着的锈蚀测试。在电化学测试中,在孔溶液中添加氯离子后,这些钢样品也从被动状态转变为活性状态,但其性能优越。更具体地说,两种化学成分为0.2Cr,0.5Mn和0.5Cr,1.5Mn的钢分别显示出重新钝化和耐点蚀的迹象。



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