
Market Change and Policy Perfection in China




This study adopt balanced way of thinking to analyze the changes in market conditions in the new era, particularly the changes in Chinese monetary conditions, financial conditions and credit condition as well as the perfection of policies. In response to the new circumstances and changes in market credit conditions, it is necessary to, from the ideological perspective, gain new understanding of the financial market to reflect our determined ideology, from the strategic perspective, to define and refine the tasks and objectives of financial system reform to reflect our strategic planning, and from the perspective of policy and technical methodology, to improve and diversify operating kits to take the initiative and enhance risk control ability. Some measurements improving and enriching policy and technical tool kits should be addressed in current economic works and in mid- and long development. China may have to define the tasks and goals of deepened financial structure reform, establish and perfect long-effective management mechanism, and create multi-dimensional and diverse financial ecology. To prevent asset bubbles, money supply control alone is not enough. It's advised to regulate the stock and incremental capital through securitization, such as promoting stock asset-backed securitization to further revitalize the stock of assets of financial institutions in short team, and perfect the modern credit system in long team.



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