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Colonial cleansing: Laws for a summer resort in China




Abstract In the leased territory of Weihaiwei, China (1898–1930), public health and related laws played an important part in the local British government's effort to create and maintain a summer resort for European visitors. These laws ensured that the territory was clean, restful and safe from dangers to health, such as noxious fumes, rabies, infectious diseases and tainted food. Buildings in the town areas had to meet minimum standards of construction, ventilation, and sanitation; and the layout of streets, the location of factory buildings and building plans were subject to control. Beyond the physical environment, further cultural transformations were effected as European habits and tastes came to determine conceptions of space, time and leisure. Through express provision or uneven enforcement, public health laws helped to heighten the differences between the town areas in which visitors were expected to stay and the less regulated rural areas of the territory. This too, served to enhance the reputation of Weihaiwei as a summer destination because it offered familiar and modern comforts as well as the opportunity to observe a more authentic China a short distance away. Given the degree of intrusion into the lives of the local population that was authorized by the public health laws, a study of these laws also provides clues as to the conflict or convergence between the interests of the foreign British administration and those of the Chinese residing in the territory. More than ever before foreigners, resident in the commercial centres of the Far East, see the necessity of seeking holiday resorts each year where they can breathe pure air away from the congestion of the Asiatic cities. In fact it has come to be recognised as imperative to the preservation of health. By a happy hazard Providence has placed at their disposal an ideal health resort in WEIHAIWEI, situate at a few hours journey from a number of the business cities, so that commercial men can enjoy the full benefits of a first-class sanatorium, and still be within easy reach of the business world. In Weihaiwei there is the best of accommodation, where invalids will find quiet, idlers the best pure air, pleasure-seekers and sportsmen the best recreation. At the Queen's Hotel are excellent, large and cool rooms, well furnished, first-class attendance, and the best cuisine the market can afford. Such are the unique advantages offered by the QUEEN'S HOTEL, WEIHAIWEI Ltd. (Advertisement for Queen's Hotel, undated.)
机译:摘要在中国威海卫(1898–1930)的租赁土地上,公共卫生和相关法律在英国地方政府为欧洲游客打造和维护避暑胜地的努力中起了重要作用。这些法律确保了该领土是清洁,宁静和安全的,免受有害烟雾,狂犬病,传染病和污染食品等健康危害。城镇地区的建筑物必须达到最低的建筑,通风和卫生标准;街道的布局,工厂建筑物的位置和建筑计划均受到控制。除了自然环境外,随着欧洲习惯和品味决定了空间,时间和休闲的观念,文化进一步发生了变化。通过明文规定或执行不力,公共卫生法有助于扩大预期访客会居住的城镇地区与该地区管制较少的农村地区之间的差异。这也有助于提高威海威作为夏季旅游胜地的声誉,因为它提供了熟悉和现代的舒适感,并且有机会在不远的地方观察到更加真实的中国。考虑到公共卫生法对当地居民生活的侵犯程度,对这些法律的研究还为英国外国政府与居住在中国的中国人的利益之间的冲突或趋同提供了线索。领土。居住在远东商业中心的外国人比以往任何时候都更加需要每年寻找度假胜地,以便他们可以从亚洲城市的拥挤中呼吸纯净的空气。实际上,它已被认为对维护健康至关重要。不幸的是,普罗维登斯已将其置于威海威的理想疗养胜地,距多个商业城市仅几个小时路程,使商业人士可以享受一流疗养院的全部好处,并且仍然可以轻松到达商业世界。威海威拥有最佳的住宿环境,残障人士可以找到安静的地方,懒惰的人可以得到最好的纯净空气,休闲者和运动员可以得到最好的娱乐。皇后酒店(Queen's Hotel)提供出色,宽敞,凉爽的客房,布置精良,一流的出勤率和市场上可以承受的最佳美食。这就是威海皇后饭店的独特优势(未注明日期的皇后饭店广告)。



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