首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Trichology >Graham Little Piccardi Lasseur Syndrome: A Rare Case Report with Concomitant Hypertrophic Lichen Planus

Graham Little Piccardi Lasseur Syndrome: A Rare Case Report with Concomitant Hypertrophic Lichen Planus

机译:Graham Little Piccardi Lasseur综合征:伴肥厚性扁平苔藓的罕见病例报告



Graham Little Piccardi Lasseur Syndrome (GLPLS) is a rare variant of lichen planopilaris comprising of a triad of multifocal and patchy cicatricial alopecia of scalp, non-cicatricial alopecia of axillae and pubic region and keratotic follicular papules over a body. Its exact etiology is not known until date, but primarily involves an immune mediated inflammatory reaction against the bulge region of hair follicles resulting in cicatricial alopecia. We report an extensive and diffuse presentation of this rare syndrome in a middle-aged female with hypertrophic lichen planus (LP) present on malar region of face, etiologically relating GLPLS to LP.Keywords: Cicatricial aloepecia, graham little piccardi lasseur syndrome, lichen planopilaris
机译:Graham Little Piccardi Lasseur综合征(GLPLS)是一种罕见的扁平苔藓变体,由头皮多灶性和斑状瘢痕性脱发,腋窝和耻骨区非瘢痕性脱发以及全身角化性毛囊丘疹组成。其确切病因直到目前尚不清楚,但主要涉及针对毛囊隆起区域的免疫介导的炎症反应,从而导致瘢痕性脱发。我们报道了这种罕见综合征的广泛和弥漫性表现,该异常综合征存在于面部黄斑区域的肥厚性扁平苔藓(LP),在病因上与GLPLS关联。



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