首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Yoga >Association between Cyclic Meditation and Creative Cognition: Optimizing Connectivity between the Frontal and Parietal Lobes

Association between Cyclic Meditation and Creative Cognition: Optimizing Connectivity between the Frontal and Parietal Lobes




Background: Important stages of creativity include preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. Earlier studies have reported that some techniques of meditation promote creativity but have not specified which stage is enhanced. Here, we report the influence of cyclic meditation (CM) on creative cognition measured by a divergent thinking task. Our aim was to determine the degree of association between the two. Methods: Twenty-four university students were randomly assigned to an experimental group (CM) and controls (Supine Rest), 35 min/day for 7 days. Creativity performance was assessed pre and post using Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA), while 64-channel electroencephalography (EEG) was used to measure brain activity during both CM/SH and the creativity test. Results: Results indicated that CM training improved creativity performance, producing a shift to predominant gamma activity during creativity compared controls who showed delta activity. Furthermore, the experimental group showed more activation of frontal and parietal regions (EEG leads F3, F4 and P3, P4) than controls, i.e., the regions of the executive network responsible for creative cognition, our particular regions of interest where specialized knowledge is being stored. Conclusion: Improvement on creativity test performance indicates that CM increases association and strengthens the connectivity between frontal and parietal lobes, the major nodes of default mode network and executive attention network, enhancing the important stages of creativity such as preparation, incubation, and illumination.
机译:背景:创造力的重要阶段包括准备,孵化,照明和验证。较早的研究报告说,冥想的某些技术可以促进创造力,但尚未说明提高哪个阶段。在这里,我们报告了循环冥想(CM)对通过发散性思维任务衡量的创造性认知的影响。我们的目标是确定两者之间的关联度。方法:24名大学生被随机分为实验组(CM)和对照组(仰卧休息),每天35分钟,共7天。使用成人简化托伦测验(ATTA)评估了创造力表现,而在CM / SH和创造力测试中,使用64通道脑电图(EEG)来测量大脑活动。结果:结果表明,与表现出δ活动的对照组相比,CM训练提高了创造力的表现,使创造力转变为主要的伽玛活动。此外,实验组显示出额叶和顶叶区域(EEG导联F3,F4和P3,P4)的激活程度高于对照组,即执行网络中负责创造性认知的区域,即我们正在研究的特殊领域,即专门知识存储。结论:创造性测试性能的改善表明,CM增强了关联并增强了额叶和顶叶,默认模式网络和执行者注意网络的主要节点之间的连通性,增强了创造性的重要阶段,如准备,孵化和照明。



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