首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks >Cutting Down Energy Usage in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Duty Cycle Technique and Multi-Hop Routing

Cutting Down Energy Usage in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Duty Cycle Technique and Multi-Hop Routing




A wireless sensor network is composed of many sensor nodes, that have beengiven out in aspecific zoneandeach of them hadanability of collecting information from the environment andsending collected data to the sink. The most significant issues in wireless sensor networks,despite the recent progress is the trouble of the severe limitations of energy resources.Since thatin different applications of sensor nets, we could throw a static or mobile sink, then all aspects ofsuch networks should be planned with an awareness of energy.One of the most significant topicsrelated to these networks, is routing. One of the most widely used and efficient methods ofrouting isa hierarchy (based on clustering) method.In The present study with the objective of cutting down energy consumption and persistence ofnetwork coverage, we have offered a novel algorithm based on clustering algorithms and multihoprouting.To achieve this goal, first, we layer the network environment based on the size of thenetwork.We will identify the optimal number of cluster heads and every cluster head based onthe mechanism of topology control will start to accept members.Likewise, we set the first layeras gate layer and subsequently identifying the gate’s nodes, we’d turn away half of the sensorsand then stop using energy and the remaining nodes in this layer will join the gate’s nodesbecause they hold a critical part in bettering the functioning of the system. Cluster heads offfollowing layers send the information to cluster heads in the above layer until sent data will besent to gate’s nodes and finally will be sent to sink. We have tested the proposed algorithm intwo situations 1) when the sink is off and 2)when a sink is on and simulation data shows thatproposed algorithm has better performance in terms of the life span of a network than LEACHand ELEACH protocols.



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