首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health >A Review of Maternal Deaths at Douala General Hospital, Cameroon: The Referral System and Other Contributing Factors

A Review of Maternal Deaths at Douala General Hospital, Cameroon: The Referral System and Other Contributing Factors




One of the objectives of the fifth Millennium Development Goal [MGD] is to decrease annually by 5.5% the maternal mortality so as to attain a three- quarter’s reduction of the world’s burden by the year 2015. The health care referral system has been shown to play an important role if this objective is to be attained. The aim of this study was to evaluate the referral system and other contributing factors to maternal deaths. This was a retrospective, descriptive study carried out in the Douala General Hospital, a tertiary referral hospital in Douala, Cameroon. The records of cases of maternal deaths that occurred between 1st January, 2002 and 31st December, 2011 were reviewed. Patients who died on arrival at the hospital were excluded from the study. Data was collected using pre-structured questionnaire and analyzed with EPI-Info version 3.5.1. There were 25 maternal deaths during this period with a maternal mortality ratio of 275 per 100.000 live births. Sixteen (64%) maternal deaths were referred cases from; government health institutions 4 (25%) and private 12 (75%) hospitals in Douala. Most of the patients were between 30-40 years 12 (48%), married 17 (68%), primigravida 12 (48%). The triad of hemorrhage 12 (48%), hypertensive disease in pregnancy 10 (40%) and infection 3 (12%) was responsible for the maternal deaths. Using two indicators to evaluate the referral system, it was observed that only 3 (18, 8%) exploited the referral information system and barely 4(25 %) were transported to the hospital by an ambulance. Maternal mortality remains high in our setting. Most of the causes of maternal death are due to direct obstetric causes which are preventable. The role of referral system in providing health care is poor. Therefore, this aspect of providing health care has to be properly implemented if it is to make an impact in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality.
机译:第五个千年发展目标(MGD)的目标之一是每年将孕产妇死亡率降低5.5%,以便到2015年使世界负担减少四分之三。在要实现这一目标方面起着重要作用。这项研究的目的是评估转诊系统和其他导致孕产妇死亡的因素。这是在喀麦隆杜阿拉的三级转诊医院杜阿拉综合医院进行的一项回顾性描述性研究。回顾了2002年1月1日至2011年12月31日期间发生的孕产妇死亡案例记录。入院时死亡的患者被排除在研究之外。使用预先构造的问卷收集数据,并使用EPI-Info版本3.5.1进行分析。在此期间,有25名孕产妇死亡,孕产妇死亡率为每10万活产275名。 16例(64%)孕产妇死亡病例来自;杜阿拉的政府卫生机构4(25%)和私人12(75%)医院。大多数患者在30-40岁之间12(48%),已婚17(68%),初产妇12(48%)。孕产妇死亡的原因包括出血三联症(48%),妊娠高血压疾病(10%)(40%)和感染三联症(12%)。使用两个指标评估转诊系统,发现只有3个(18,8%)利用转诊信息系统,只有4个(25%)被救护车运送到医院。在我们的环境中,孕产妇死亡率仍然很高。产妇死亡的大多数原因是可避免的直接产科原因。转诊系统在提供卫生保健方面的作用很差。因此,如果要对降低孕产妇的发病率和死亡率产生影响,则必须适当地执行提供保健的这一方面。


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