首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being >Being altruistically egoistic—Nursing aides’ experiences of caring for older persons with mental disorders

Being altruistically egoistic—Nursing aides’ experiences of caring for older persons with mental disorders




Older persons with mental disorders, excluding dementia disorders, constitute a vulnerable group of people. With the future international increase in the older population, mental disorders will increase as well, thus entailing new challenges for their caregivers. These older persons often remain in their own homes, and in Sweden they are cared for by nursing aides. With little previous research, an increased workload and facing new strenuous situations, it is important to make use of the knowledge the nursing aides possess and to deepen the understanding of their experiences. The study aimed at illuminating the meaning of caring for older persons with mental disorders as experienced by nursing aides in the municipal home help service. Interviews with nine female nursing aides were performed and analysed with a phenomenological hermeneutical research method inspired by the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur. Being altruistically egoistic emerged as a main theme in the nursing aides’ narratives. The nursing aides’ experiences could be interpreted as a movement between being altruistic and egoistic. The findings revealed a continuous distancing by the nursing aides and their struggle to redress the balance between their altruistic and egoistic actions. Caring for these older persons constitutes a complex situation where distancing functions as a recourse to prioritize oneself and to diminish the value of caring. The study suggests that an increased knowledge base on older persons with mental disorders, followed by continuous supervision, is necessary for the nursing aides to improve the quality of the care given.
机译:除痴呆症外,患有精神疾病的老年人是一类易受伤害的人群。随着未来国际上老年人口的增加,精神障碍也将增加,从而给照料者带来新的挑战。这些老年人经常留在自己的家中,在瑞典,他们由护理助手照料。由于先前的研究很少,工作量增加并且面临新的严峻形势,因此重要的是利用护理助手所拥有的知识并加深对他们的经历的理解。该研究旨在阐明照护老年人的精神障碍的意义,这是市政家庭帮助服务的护理助手所经历的。对九名女性护理助手进行了访谈,并采用了受保罗·里科(Paul Ricoeur)哲学启发的现象学诠释学研究方法进行了分析。利他主义的利己主义成为护理助手叙事的主要主题。护理助手的经历可以解释为在利他主义和利己主义之间的转移。调查结果表明,护理人员之间不断疏远,他们为解决其利他行为和利己行为之间的平衡而进行的努力。照顾这些老年人构成了一个复杂的情况,疏远是一种求助于自己并降低照顾价值的手段。这项研究表明,对于护理人员来说,要提高对精神障碍老年人的知识基础,并对其进行持续监督,以提高其护理质量。



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