首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being >Visualism and technification—the patient behind the screen

Visualism and technification—the patient behind the screen




At stake in this study is the patient's credibility. The Cartesian philosophical standpoint, which holds sway in western thinking, questions with scepticism whether the reported symptoms are “real.” Do they reside in the body, or are they mentally concocted. However, from the caring perspective any symptom must be both listened and attended to in its own right, not just scrutinized as evidence for an accurate diagnosis.In cognitively and emotionally complex high-tech units caregivers are juggling a precarious handful of cards. Technical tasks take precedence or have more urgency than caring behaviour. Assuming an irremediable tension between object–subject and care–cure in nursing is futile dualism. By addressing the essence of technology—the non-neutral and highly visual technology—this paper aims to find, from a philosophical point of view, a more comprehensive understanding for the dominance visualism and technification within intensive care.Screens give us access to vital signs. Screens record numbers and lines that relate to a graph and afford superfine spiked “readings.” However, the most relevant vital signs may be missing.
机译:该研究的关键在于患者的信誉。在西方思维中占主导地位的笛卡尔哲学观点对怀疑的问题表示怀疑,即所报告的症状是否“真实”。他们是住在体内还是在精神上炮制。然而,从关怀的角度来看,任何症状都必须自己聆听和处理,而不仅仅是仔细检查以作为准确诊断的依据。在认知和情感上复杂的高科技单位,护理人员正在处理几张不稳定的卡片。技术任务比关怀行为优先或紧迫。假设护理对象与护理之间不可弥补的张力是徒劳的二元论。通过阐述技术的本质-非中性和高度视觉化的技术,本文旨在从哲学的角度寻找对重症监护中主导视觉化和技术化的更全面理解。屏幕使我们能够获得生命体征。 。屏幕记录与图形相关的数字和线条,并提供超细的加标“读数”。但是,最相关的生命体征可能会丢失。



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