首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Rotating Machinery >Heat Transfer on a Film-Cooled Rotating Blade Using aTwo-Equation Turbulence Model

Heat Transfer on a Film-Cooled Rotating Blade Using aTwo-Equation Turbulence Model




A three-dimensional Navier–Stokes code has been used to compare the heat transfer coefficient on a film-cooled, rotating turbine blade. The blade chosen is the ACE rotor with five rows containing 93 film cooling holes covering the entire span. This is the only filmcooled rotating blade over which experimental data is available for comparison. Over 2.278 million grid points are used to compute the flow over the blade including the tip clearance region, using Coakley'sq-ωturbulence model. Results are also compared with those obtained by Garg and Abhari (1997) using the zero-equation Baldwin-Lomax (B-L)model. A reasonably good comparison with the experimental data is obtained on the suctionsurface for both the turbulence models. At the leading edge, the B-L model yields a bettercomparison than theq-ωmodel. On the pressure surface, however, the comparison betweenthe experimental data and the prediction from either turbulence model is poor. A potentialreason for the discrepancy on the pressure surface could be the presence of unsteady effects due to stator-rotor interaction in the experiments which are not modeled in the present computations. Prediction using the two-equation model is in general poorer than that using the zero-equation model, while the former requires at least 40% more computational resources.



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