首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology >Changing trends in indication of cesarean section in a tertiary care centre of Central India

Changing trends in indication of cesarean section in a tertiary care centre of Central India




Background: This study was carried out to find the rate of Cesarean section (CS) in our institute from 2012 to 2016 and also to find any change in the indications of CS over these five years. Methods: A retrospective analysis of data was done from the records of the patients who underwent CS and the rate of Cesarean section and the indications were noticed. Results: The rate of Cesarean section has increased from 43.85% in 2012 to 48.18% in 2016. There is increase in the number of Primary Cesarean cases from 61.8% in 2012 to 68.4% in 2016.The percentage of Elective CS has increased in last five years from 10.2% in 2012 to 23.6% in 2016 which is due to the drastic increase in Elective Repeat CS from 13.3% in 2012 to 43.4% in 2016. The first and second major indication of Primary CS over the years remained the same i.e. fetal distress and CPD. Other major contributing indications were Non-progress of labour, failed induction and Malpresentation. Oligohydraminos and IUGR, Multiple pregnancy and precious pregnancy have emerged as the major indication in last three years. Previous CS and Previous 2 CS contributed as the main indication for Elective CS. Conclusions: The rate of Cesarean section need to be reduced. The overall main indication for CS was Previous CS and thus Primary CS rate should be reduced. Fetal distress being the main indication for Primary CS should be further confirmed by fetal scalp pH findings and Repeat CS cases should be given more trial of labour.
机译:背景:本研究旨在找出我院2012年至2016年剖宫产术的比率,以及这五年中CS指征的任何变化。方法:回顾性分析从CS患者的病历资料和剖宫产率,并注意适应症。结果:剖宫产率从2012年的43.85%增加到2016年的48.18%。原发性剖宫产病例数从2012年的61.8%增加到2016年的68.4%。五年,从2012年的10.2%增至2016年的23.6%,这是由于选修科目CS的比例从2012年的13.3%急剧增加到2016年的43.4%。胎儿窘迫和CPD。其他主要促成症状是未进行分娩,入职失败和陈述不当。过去三年来,低聚氨基糖和IUGR,多胎妊娠和珍贵妊娠已成为主要症状。前CS和前2 CS是选修CS的主要指标。结论:剖宫产率有待降低。 CS的总体主要指征是既往CS,因此应降低Primary CS率。胎儿窘迫是原发性CS的主要指征,应通过胎儿头皮的pH值进一步证实,并应对重复性CS病例进行更多的人工试验。



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