首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology >A study of maternal and perinatal outcome in induction of labour at 40 weeks and 41 weeks of gestation

A study of maternal and perinatal outcome in induction of labour at 40 weeks and 41 weeks of gestation




Background: To study and compare the maternal and perinatal outcome of induction of labour in pregnancies at 40 week and 41 week of gestation. Methods: 150 pregnant women who completed 40 weeks of pregnancy and were screened through exclusion and exclusion criteria .They were induced with intracervical PGE2 gel. Maternal and perinatal outcomes were determined and compared in 40 week group (40+0 ? 40+6days) and 41week group (41+0?41+6 days). Results: Prolongation of pregnancy is observed frequently in nulliparous women in both the groups (74% vs 62%).Caesarian rates were more in 41 week group compared to 40 week group (30% vs 12%, p=0.007). Maternal outcome in terms of PPH, perineal tears and sepsis are observed more in 41 week group though it was not statistically significant (p=0.493). Birth asphyxia, MAS and MSL are factors responsible for worse perinatal outcome in 41 week group that was statistically significant (p=0.009). Age and duration of labour showed no difference in both groups. Conclusions: Labour induction should be done at 40 weeks - it is reasonable option because it prevents a lot of maternal and perinatal complications.
机译:背景:研究和比较妊娠40周和41周妊娠时引产的母亲和围产期结局。方法:对150例孕妇,在怀孕40周后,通过排除和排除标准进行筛查,并采用PGE2内凝胶诱导。确定并比较40周组(40 + 0?40 + 6天)和41周组(41 + 0?41 + 6天)的孕妇和围产儿结局。结果:两组中的未生育妇女都经常观察到妊娠延长(74%vs 62%)。41周组的剖腹产发生率高于40周组(30%vs 12%,p = 0.007)。在PPH,会阴撕裂和败血症方面的产妇结局在41周组中观察更多,尽管无统计学意义(p = 0.493)。出生窒息,MAS和MSL是导致41周组围产期结局恶化的因素,具有统计学意义(p = 0.009)。两组的年龄和劳动时间均无差异。结论:引产应该在40周时进行-这是合理的选择,因为它可以防止许多母体和围产期并发症。



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