
Kisspeptin: new biomarker of pregnancy




Background: The recently identified hormone kisspeptin has been suggested to play an important regulatory role in placentation. The aim and objective of the study is the measurement of serum kisspeptin level in asymptomatic pregnant women and to find out the association of serum kisspeptin with gestational age in women with early pregnancy. Methods: This was a longitudinal study to the evaluation of 178 asymptomatic pregnant women with a gestation of 6 to 16 weeks attending routine antenatal booking visit recruited as study participants from the Antenatal Clinical of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, S.M.S. Medical College and Attached Hospitals, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Results: After initial clinical examination of every participant, a single blood sample was taken for the measurement of serum kisspeptin. Serum kisspeptin measurement test was performed by ELISA method and results were expressed as ng/ml. Pregnancy outcome was recorded prospectively. Mean serum kisspeptin level of study participants was 2.80±1.87ng/ml and median were 2.41 (Range 0.244-14.06ng/ml). Our result showed the relationship of serum kisspeptin with gestational age (GA) (p0.000). Conclusions: serum kisspeptin level increases in pregnancy and showed positive relationship with gestational age significantly (p0.000).
机译:背景:最近发现的激素基肽素被认为在胎盘素中起重要的调节作用。这项研究的目的和目的是测量无症状孕妇的血清基肽素水平,并找出早孕妇女的血清基肽素与胎龄的关系。方法:这是一项纵向研究,评估了来自S.M.S.妇产科产前临床诊所的178名无症状孕妇,这些孕妇怀孕6到16周,接受常规产前检查。印度拉贾斯坦邦斋浦尔的医学院和附属医院。结果:在对每位参与者进行初步临床检查后,均采集了一份血液样本以测定血清中的亲吻肽。用ELISA法进行血清基索肽测定,结果以ng / ml表示。前瞻性记录妊娠结局。研究参与者的平均血清亲吻肽水平为2.80±1.87ng / ml,中位数为2.41(范围0.244-14.06ng / ml)。我们的结果表明血清基瑟肽与胎龄(GA)的关系(p <0.000)。结论:妊娠期血清基索肽水平升高,与胎龄呈显着正相关(p <0.000)。



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