首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology >Current understanding of rheumatoid arthritis therapy in pregnancy

Current understanding of rheumatoid arthritis therapy in pregnancy




Pregnancy in most cases is associated with remission of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but a quarter of patients continue to have active disease or even worsening of the disease and most patients who improve, relapse in the postpartum period. Patients with RA do not have decreased fertility. A majority of patients with RA may go in remission, but patients who continue with the disease activity require treatment. Drugs that may be safely used during pregnancy include NSAIDs except in third trimester, corticosteroids as low dose prednisone. The preferred disease-modifying agents (DMARDs), during pregnancy are sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroquine. Azathioprine and cyclosporine can be used if the benefits outweigh the risks. Methotrexate and lefunomide are contraindicated and must be prophylactically withdrawn before a planned pregnancy. Biologics like anti-TNF agents, rituximab and abatacept generally should be stopped when pregnancy is discovered. An overall rational approach is highly warranted to treat RA during pregnancy.
机译:多数情况下,怀孕与类风湿关节炎(RA)的缓解有关,但四分之一的患者继续患有活动性疾病,甚至疾病恶化,大多数患者在产后恢复好转。 RA患者的生育力没有降低。大多数RA患者可以缓解,但是继续患有该疾病活动的患者需要治疗。怀孕期间可以安全使用的药物包括非甾体抗炎药(在妊娠晚期除外),皮质类固醇作为低剂量泼尼松。在怀孕期间,首选的疾病改善剂(DMARDs)是柳氮磺吡啶和羟氯喹。如果益处大于风险,则可以使用硫唑嘌呤和环孢霉素。甲氨蝶呤和来氟米特是禁忌的,在计划怀孕前必须预防性地停用。发现怀孕后,应停止使用抗TNF药物,利妥昔单抗和阿巴西普等生物制剂。强烈建议在怀孕期间采用整体合理的方法治疗RA。



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