首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research >Formulation and Evaluation of Enteric Coated Tablets of Duloxetine Hydrochloride

Formulation and Evaluation of Enteric Coated Tablets of Duloxetine Hydrochloride




Duloxetine hydrochloride is an acid labile antidepressant drug which degrades in acidic environment. The study was aimed toformulate enteric coated tablets of Duloxetine hydrochloride using (Protectab enteric M1) to avoid degradation in the stomach andto improve the therapeutic efficiency. Five formulations (F-I to F-V) were prepared by direct compression method, without & withaddition of calcium carbonate as an alkalizing agent. Prepared tablets were evaluated for various post compression parameters.Among the formulations, the drug release of F-I formulated without addition of calcium carbonate, F-II & F-III prepared with 5mg &15mg of calcium carbonate were not within the I.P limit. So in F-IV and F-V, calcium carbonate concentration was increased to 25 mg& 30 mg which showed drug release of 95.78% and 100.67% at 45 min which was within the I.P limit. Hence F-IV & F-V formulationswere selected for enteric coating and F-IV formulation was coated with 4% Protectab enteric M1 polymer(E-IV), and F-V was coatedwith 8% Protectab enteric M1 polymer(E-V). Formulation E-IV fails in the disintegration test and Formulation E-V passed thedisintegration test of the enteric coated tablets. Hence E-V was selected as a best formulation which showed better drug releasecompared to marketed drug and stability study revealed, E-V formulation was stable even after stored at 25±2°C/60%±5%RH and40±2oC/75%±5%RH for a period of 3 months. Hence the study concluded that formulation E-V satisfied all the criteria for entericcoated tablets.
机译:盐酸度洛西汀是一种酸不稳定的抗抑郁药,在酸性环境中会降解。该研究旨在使用(Protectab肠溶M1)配制盐酸度洛西汀肠溶片,以避免在胃中降解并提高治疗效率。通过直接压制方法制备了五种配方(F-1至F-V),其中不添加碳酸钙作为碱化剂。评价制得的片剂的各种后压制参数。在制剂中,未添加碳酸钙的F-I的药物释放,用5mg和15mg碳酸钙制得的F-II和F-III不在I.P范围内。因此,在F-IV和F-V中,碳酸钙浓度增加至25 mg和30 mg,这表明在45分钟内药物释放分别为95.78%和100.67%,这在I.P限制内。因此,选择F-IV和F-V制剂进行肠溶衣,F-IV制剂被4%Protectab肠溶性M1聚合物(E-IV)包被,F-V被8%Protect Protectab肠溶性M1聚合物(E-V)包被。制剂E-IV在崩解测试中失败,并且制剂E-V通过了肠溶衣片剂的崩解测试。因此,EV被选为显示出比市售药物更好的药物释放的最佳制剂,并且稳定性研究表明,即使在25±2°C / 60%±5%RH和40±2oC / 75%±5%的储存条件下,EV制剂也是稳定的RH持续3个月。因此,研究得出结论,制剂E-V满足肠溶片的所有标准。



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