首页> 外文期刊>International journal of reconfigurable computing >Exploring Many-Core Design Templates for FPGAs and ASICs

Exploring Many-Core Design Templates for FPGAs and ASICs




We present a highly productive approach to hardware design based on a many-core microarchitectural template used to implement compute-bound applications expressed in a high-level data-parallel language such as OpenCL. The template is customized on a per-application basis via a range of high-level parameters such as the interconnect topology or processing element architecture. The key benefits of this approach are that it (i) allows programmers to express parallelism through an API defined in a high-level programming language, (ii) supports coarse-grained multithreading and fine-grained threading while permitting bit-level resource control, and (iii) reduces the effort required to repurpose the system for different algorithms or different applications. We compare template-driven design to both full-custom and programmable approaches by studying implementations of a compute-bound data-parallel Bayesian graph inference algorithm across several candidate platforms. Specifically, we examine a range of template-based implementations on both FPGA and ASIC platforms and compare each against full custom designs. Throughout this study, we use a general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) implementation as a performance and area baseline. We show that our approach, similar in productivity to programmable approaches such as GPGPU applications, yields implementations with performance approaching that of full-custom designs on both FPGA and ASIC platforms.
机译:我们基于多核微体系结构模板提出了一种高效的硬件设计方法,该模板用于实现以高级数据并行语言(例如OpenCL)表示的计算绑定应用程序。该模板是通过一系列高级参数(例如互连拓扑或处理元素体系结构)基于每个应用程序定制的。这种方法的主要优点是:(i)允许程序员通过高级编程语言中定义的API表示并行性;(ii)支持粗粒度的多线程和细粒度的线程,同时允许位级别的资源控制, (iii)减少了将系统重新用于不同算法或不同应用所需的精力。通过研究跨多个候选平台的计算绑定数据并行贝叶斯图推断算法的实现,我们将模板驱动的设计与全定制和可编程方法进行了比较。具体来说,我们检查了FPGA和ASIC平台上的一系列基于模板的实现,并将它们与完全定制设计进行了比较。在整个研究过程中,我们使用通用图形处理单元(GPGPU)实现作为性能和面积基准。我们证明了我们的方法在生产率上与GPGPU应用程序等可编程方法相似,所实现的性能接近FPGA和ASIC平台上全定制设计的性能。



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