首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Poultry Sciences >Endoparasites and Associated Worm Burden of Captive and Free-Living Ostriches ( Struthio camelus ) in the Semi-Arid Region of North Eastern Nigeria

Endoparasites and Associated Worm Burden of Captive and Free-Living Ostriches ( Struthio camelus ) in the Semi-Arid Region of North Eastern Nigeria

机译:尼日利亚东北部半干旱地区的圈养和自由活动鸵鸟(Struthio camelus)的体内寄生虫和相关的蠕虫负担



Endoparasites and associated worm burden of captive and free-living wild ostriches ( Struthio camelus ) in the semi arid, north-eastern part of Nigeria was investigated by random faecal sampling. The study involved a total of 100 ostriches consisting of 50 free-living in their natural habitat found at various sectors (Kwada, Jeltare, and Bulanjibia) of Chad Basin National Park and 50 others in captivity at the Sanda Kyarimi Park and from private owners within the metropolis. The ostriches belonging to the two groups were found to harbour a variety of helminth parasites such as Strongyloides, Strongyle, Capillaria, Ascaridia spp. and protozoan parasites such as Eimeria spp. Mean eggs per gram (epg) of faeces was 150±0.23 to 773±0.48 and oocyst counts per gram (opg) of faeces was 310 ± 0.34 to 393.33 ± 0.34 and were significantly (P Strongyloides and Libyostrongylus douglassii . The effect of age on the prevalence of infection with various endoparasites revealed that the chicks ( 12 months). Sex did not show any effect on the prevalence of infection. The significance of infection as well as control measures is discussed.
机译:通过随机粪便抽样调查了尼日利亚东北部半干旱的圈养和自由生活的野生鸵鸟(Struthio camelus)的体内寄生虫和相关的蠕虫负担。这项研究涉及总共100种鸵鸟,其中包括在乍得盆地国家公园各个地区(夸达,杰尔塔雷和布兰吉比亚)自然栖息地的50种自由生活,以及在桑达·卡里米公园和其他私人拥有的50种被圈养的鸵鸟大都市。发现属于这两组的鸵鸟具有各种蠕虫寄生虫,例如圆线虫,圆线虫,毛细线虫,A虫。和原生动物的寄生虫,例如艾美球虫(Eimeria spp)。每克粪便的平均卵数为150±0.23至773±0.48,每克粪便的卵囊数为310±0.34至393.33±0.34,且有显着性(P Strongyloides和Libyostrongylus douglassii。各种内寄生虫感染的发生率表明雏鸡(12个月),性别对感染率没有任何影响,讨论了感染的意义以及控制措施。



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