首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Plant & Soil Science >Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Zinc Efficiency and Bio-fortification

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Zinc Efficiency and Bio-fortification




The present study was conducted to identify Zn efficient/inefficient wheat genotypes through application of Zn. A field experiment was conducted during 2009-10 and 2010-11 under AICRP on micro-secondary nutrients and pollutant element in soils and plants at Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur. The sixteen varieties of wheat crop and three levels of Zn (0, 20 kg Zn ha-1 as basal application and 20 kg Zn ha-1 as soil application in combination of 0.5% foliar spray of ZnSO4) were tested in a split plot design. The pooled data showed that variety GW-366 and GW-273 were found significantly superior to all other varieties for grain yield, uptake by grain and total Zn uptake. The Zn content in grain and straw of Sujata, C-306 and WH-147 were observed significantly superior to other wheat varieties. The Zn concentration in grain and straw and their Zn uptake successively and significantly increased with the application of 20 kg Zn ha-1 and 20 kg Zn + 0.5% foliar spray of ZnSO4. The most effective Zn fertilization could be via soil+foliar for enhancement of grain Zn concentrations of Zn‐inefficient genotype GW-273.
机译:本研究旨在通过应用Zn来鉴定Zn高效/低效率小麦基因型。 2009-10年和2010-11年在AICRP下对贾巴尔普尔Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya的土壤科学和农业化学系中的土壤和植物中的微量元素养分和污染物进行了田间试验。小麦作物的16个品种和锌的三种水平(0,20 kg Zn ha -1 作为基础施肥,20 kg Zn ha -1 作为土壤施肥与小麦组合施肥。在分块设计中测试了0.5%的ZnSO 4 叶面喷雾。汇总数据显示,发现GW-366和GW-273品种的谷物产量,谷物吸收量和总锌吸收量均显着优于所有其他品种。 Sujata,C-306和WH-147的谷物和稻草中的锌含量明显优于其他小麦品种。施用20 kg Zn ha -1 和20 kg Zn + 0.5%ZnSO 4 叶面喷施后,谷物和稻草中的Zn浓度及其对锌的吸收均显着增加。 >。最有效的锌肥施用方式可能是通过土壤+叶面肥,以提高低效基因型GW-273的籽粒锌浓度。



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