首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease >Contrast-induced nephropathy in interventional cardiology

Contrast-induced nephropathy in interventional cardiology




Abstract: Development of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), ie, a rise in serum creatinine by either ≥0.5 mg/dL or by ≥25% from baseline within the first 2–3 days after contrast administration, is strongly associated with both increased inhospital and late morbidity and mortality after invasive cardiac procedures. The prevention of CIN is critical if long-term outcomes are to be optimized after percutaneous coronary intervention. The prevalence of CIN in patients receiving contrast varies markedly (from <1% to 50%), depending on the presence of well characterized risk factors, the most important of which are baseline chronic renal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. Other risk factors include advanced age, anemia, left ventricular dysfunction, dehydration, hypotension, renal transplant, low serum albumin, concomitant use of nephrotoxins, and the volume of contrast agent. The pathophysiology of CIN is likely to be multifactorial, including direct cytotoxicity, apoptosis, disturbances in intrarenal hemodynamics, and immune mechanisms. Few strategies have been shown to be effective to prevent CIN beyond hydration, the goal of which is to establish brisk diuresis prior to contrast administration, and to avoid hypotension. New strategies of controlled hydration and diuresis are promising. Studies are mixed on whether prophylactic oral N-acetylcysteine reduces the incidence of CIN, although its use is generally recommended, given its low cost and favorable side effect profile. Agents which have been shown to be ineffective or harmful, or for which data supporting routine use do not exist, include fenoldopam, theophylline, dopamine, calcium channel blockers, prostaglandin E1, atrial natriuretic peptide, statins, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
机译:摘要:对比剂诱发的肾病(CIN)的发展,即在对比剂给药后的前2-3天内血清肌酐比基线升高≥0.5mg / dL或≥25%,与两者的升高密切相关。侵入性心脏手术后的住院及晚期发病率和死亡率。如果要在经皮冠状动脉介入治疗后优化长期疗效,预防CIN至关重要。接受造影剂的患者中CIN的患病率差异显着(从<1%到50%),具体取决于特征明确的危险因素的存在,其中最重要的是基线慢性肾功能不全和糖尿病。其他危险因素包括高龄,贫血,左心功能不全,脱水,低血压,肾移植,血清白蛋白低,同时使用肾毒素和造影剂的量。 CIN的病理生理学可能是多因素的,包括直接的细胞毒性,细胞凋亡,肾内血流动力学的紊乱和免疫机制。很少有策略可以有效防止CIN超出水合作用,其目标是在给予造影剂之前建立轻快的利尿作用,并避免低血压。控制水合作用和利尿的新策略很有希望。预防性口服N-乙酰半胱氨酸是否可降低CIN的发生率的研究混杂在一起,尽管由于其低成本和良好的副作用,通常推荐使用CIN。已证明无效或有害或尚无常规数据支持的药物包括非诺多opa,茶碱,多巴胺,钙通道阻滞剂,前列腺素E1,心钠素,他汀类药物和血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂。



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