首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease >Manifestation of renal disease in obesity: pathophysiology of obesity-related dysfunction of the kidney

Manifestation of renal disease in obesity: pathophysiology of obesity-related dysfunction of the kidney




Abstract: Albuminuria in individuals whose body mass index exceeds 40 kg/m2 is associated with the presence of large glomeruli, thickened basement membrane and epithelial cellular (podocyte) distortion. Obstructive sleep apnea magnifies glomerular injury as well, probably through a vasoconstrictive mechanism. Insulin resistance from excess fatty acids is exacerbated by decreased secretion of high molecular weight adiponectin from adipose cells in the obese state. Adiponectin potentiates insulin in its post-receptor signaling resulting in glucose oxidation in mitochondria. Recent studies of podocyte physiology have concentrated on the structural and functional requirements that prevent glomerular albumin leakage. The architecture of the podocyte involves nephrin and podocin, proteins that cooperate to keep slit pores between foot processes competent to retain albumin. Insulin and adiponectin are necessary for high-energy phosphate generation. When fatty acids bind to albumin, the toxicity to proximal renal tubules is magnified. Albumin and fatty acids are elevated in urine of individuals with obesity related nephrotic syndrome. Fatty acid accumulation and resistin inhibit insulin and adiponectin. Study of cytokines produced by adipose tissue (adiponectin and leptin) and macrophages (resistin) has led to a better understanding of the relationship between weight and hypertension. Leptin, is presumably secreted after food intake to inhibit the midbrain/ hypothalamic appetite centers. Resistance to leptin results in excess signaling to hypothalamic sympathetics leading to hypertension. Demonstration of the existence of a cerebral receptor mutation provide evidence for a role in hypertension of a central nervous reflex arc in humans. Further understanding of obesityrelated renal dysfunction has been accomplished recently using experimental models. Rapid weight loss following bariatric surgery may reverse renal pathology of obesity with restoration of normal blood pressure.
机译:摘要:体重指数超过40 kg / m2的个体中的蛋白尿与肾小球大,基底膜增厚和上皮细胞(足细胞)变形有关。阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停也可能通过血管收缩机制扩大肾小球损伤。肥胖状态下脂肪细胞中高分子量脂联素的分泌减少,加剧了来自过量脂肪酸的胰岛素抵抗。脂联素增强其受体后信号传导中的胰岛素,导致线粒体中的葡萄糖氧化。足细胞生理学的最新研究集中在防止肾小球白蛋白渗漏的结构和功能要求上。足细胞的结构涉及nephrin和podocin,它们是蛋白质,可以在足突之间保持狭缝孔,从而保留白蛋白。胰岛素和脂联素是产生高能磷酸盐所必需的。当脂肪酸结合白蛋白时,对近端肾小管的毒性被放大。肥胖相关性肾病综合征患者尿液中的白蛋白和脂肪酸含量升高。脂肪酸积累和抵抗素抑制胰岛素和脂联素。对脂肪组织(脂联素和瘦素)和巨噬细胞(抵抗素)产生的细胞因子的研究已使人们对体重与高血压之间的关系有了更好的了解。瘦素大概是在进食后分泌的,以抑制中脑/下丘脑食欲中枢。对瘦素的抗性导致下丘脑交感神经的过度信号传导,从而导致高血压。大脑受体突变的存在证明为人类中枢神经反射弧的高血压发挥作用提供了证据。最近已经使用实验模型进一步了解了肥胖相关的肾功能不全。减肥手术后体重迅速减轻,可以恢复正常的血压,从而扭转肥胖的肾脏病理。



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