首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Occupational Hygiene >Occupational Health Promotion throughout an Interventional Ergonomic Design (Case Study: An Ergonomic Cart Design at a Food Manufacturing Company in Iran)

Occupational Health Promotion throughout an Interventional Ergonomic Design (Case Study: An Ergonomic Cart Design at a Food Manufacturing Company in Iran)




ORIGINAL ARTICLE Health, safety, and environment management are dedicated a vast area in which ergonomics aspects known as one of the related aspects. In the following case study, the occupational hygiene by ergonomic intervention is focused. One of the prevalent activities among industrial sectors' workers in the developing countries is manual lifting tasks and other related physical activities, which are crucial tasks not only in terms of occupational health but also about safety. Such activities are known as one of the major risk factors of work related musculoskeletal disorders. In this case study, the mentioned tasks were focused in a food manufacturing company in Tehran-Iran where there are some kinds of plants. Some parts of workers' activities including lifting, lowering and carrying the boxes and bulky body packages. In the sesame seeds cleaning and peeling plant, some of the workers should transfer some amounts of sesames from centrifuge as an origin to kilns as a destination area by carrying the carts and lifting the tank to empty sesames into furnaces. Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) assessed the psychophysical aspects of this activity, and anthropometry measurement was done among the 48 sampled workers. Ovako Working-posture Assessment method (OWAS) was also used to assess the body postures. The gathered data and in-depth observation showed the necessity of cart design to improve workers health in terms of ergonomic factors. A new cart was designed considering with economics limitations. This new cart would change lifting stress and pushing tasks to better condition.
机译:原件健康,安全和环境管理是一个广阔的领域,其中人体工程学方面被称为相关方面之一。在以下案例研究中,重点关注通过人体工程学干预的职业卫生。发展中国家工业部门工人中最普遍的活动之一是手动起重任务和其他相关的体力活动,这不仅在职业健康方面而且在安全方面都是至关重要的任务。此类活动被称为与工作有关的肌肉骨骼疾病的主要危险因素之一。在此案例研究中,提到的任务集中在德黑兰-伊朗的一家食品制造公司中,那里有一些植物。工人活动的某些部分包括抬起,放下和搬运箱子和笨重的包裹。在芝麻种子清洗和去皮工厂中,一些工人应通过搬运推车并提起罐子将芝麻倒入熔炉,将一定量的芝麻从离心机中转移到作为目的地的窑炉中。北欧肌肉骨骼问卷(NMQ)评估了这项活动的心理物理方面,并在48名抽样工人中进行了人体测量学测量。 Ovako工作姿势评估方法(OWAS)也用于评估身体姿势。收集的数据和深入的观察表明,根据人体工程学因素,推车设计对于改善工人健康的必要性。考虑到经济限制,设计了一种新的购物车。这辆新的手推车将改变起重压力并将工作推向更好的状态。



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