首页> 外文期刊>International journal of computers, communications and control >A Reference Dataset for Network Traffic Activity Based Intrusion Detection System

A Reference Dataset for Network Traffic Activity Based Intrusion Detection System




The network traffic dataset is a crucial part of anomaly based intrusion detection systems (IDSs). These IDSs train themselves to learn normal and anomalous activities. Properly labeled dataset is used for the training purpose. For the activities based IDSs, proper network traffic activity labeled dataset is the first requirement, however non-availability of such datasets is bottlenecked in the field of IDS research. In this experiment, a synthetic dataset "Panjab University - Intrusion Dataset (PU-IDS)" is created. The purpose of this study is to provide the researchers a reference dataset for the performance evaluation of network traffic activity based IDSs. University of New Brunswick Network Security Laboratory - Knowledge Disscovery in Databases (NSL-KDD) is a benchmark dataset for anomaly detection but it does not contain activity based labeling. So basic characteristics of this dataset are taken for the generation of the new synthetic dataset with various activities based labels. The dataset is first categorized as per protocol and service. Thereafter, as per minimum & maximum values of attributes, activity profiles are synthetically generated. This paper also discusses various statistical characteristics of PU-IDS. The total number of 198533 instances along with 273 of activity profiles are created. This dataset also contain different 98 protocol_service profiles.
机译:网络流量数据集是基于异常的入侵检测系统(IDS)的关键部分。这些IDS训练自己学习正常和异常活动。正确标记的数据集用于训练目的。对于基于活动的IDS,首先需要使用适当的网络流量活动标记的数据集,但是在IDS研究领域中,此类数据集的不可用性成为瓶颈。在此实验中,创建了一个综合数据集“ Panjab University-入侵数据集(PU-IDS)”。这项研究的目的是为研究人员提供参考数据集,用于基于IDS的网络流量活动的性能评估。新不伦瑞克大学网络安全实验室-数据库知识发现(NSL-KDD)是用于异常检测的基准数据集,但它不包含基于活动的标签。因此,该数据集的基本特征被用于生成具有各种基于活动的标签的新合成数据集。首先根据协议和服务对数据集进行分类。此后,根据属性的最小值和最大值,将综合生成活动配置文件。本文还讨论了PU-IDS的各种统计特征。创建了198533个实例的总数以及273个活动配置文件。该数据集还包含不同的98 protocol_service配置文件。



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