首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business and Management >How Intellectual Capital and Learning Organization Can Foster Organizational Competitiveness?

How Intellectual Capital and Learning Organization Can Foster Organizational Competitiveness?




Intellectual capital can be regarded as the hidden value of an organization. The intention of these social capitals (human, organizational and customer) is to value the intangible asset and reassess the knowledge gaps to improve the business advantage. Although intangible assets may represent competitive advantage, organizations do not understand their nature and value. Managers do not know the value of their own intellectual capital. They do not know if they have the people, resources, or business processes in place to make a success of a new strategy. They do not understand what know-how, management potential, or creativity they have access to with their employees. Because they are devoid of such information, they are rightsizing, downsizing, and reengineering in a vacuum (Davis, 2009, p.17; Collis 1996).This paper is aims to review the Intellectual Capital, IC concept among
机译:智力资本可以被视为组织的隐藏价值。这些社会资本(人力,组织和客户)的目的是评估无形资产并重新评估知识差距,以提高业务优势。尽管无形资产可能代表竞争优势,但组织并不了解其性质和价值。管理者不知道自己的智力资本的价值。他们不知道他们是否拥有适当的人员,资源或业务流程来成功实施新策略。他们不了解与员工接触的专有技术,管理潜力或创造力。由于它们缺乏此类信息,因此它们在真空中进行了尺寸调整,精简和重新设计(Davis,2009年,第17页; Collis,1996年)。



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