
Pending Problems in QSOs




Quasars (Quasi Stellar Objects, abbreviated as QSOs) are still nowadays, close to half a century after their discovery, objects which are not completely understood. In this brief review a description of the pending problems, inconsistencies and caveats in the QSO's research is presented. The standard paradigm model based on the existence of very massive black holes that are responsible for the QSO's huge luminosities, re-sulting from to their cosmological redshifts, leaves many facts without explanation. There are several obser-vations which lack a clear explanation, for instance: the absence of bright QSOs at low redshifts, a mysteri-ous evolution not properly understood; the inconsistencies of the absorption lines, such as the different structure of the clouds along the QSO's line of sight and their tangential directions; the spatial correlation between QSOs and galaxies; and many others.
机译:类星体(Quasi Stellar Objects,缩写为QSO)如今仍在人们发现后将近半个世纪的时间里,至今仍未被完全理解。在这篇简短的评论中,描述了QSO研究中的悬而未决的问题,不一致之处和警告。基于存在巨大质量黑洞的标准范式模型,这些质量黑洞是导致QSO巨大的光度的结果,导致了宇宙学的红移,从而留下了许多事实,没有解释。例如,有几项观察缺乏明确的解释:在低红移下没有明亮的QSO,没有正确理解的神秘进化;吸收线的不一致,例如沿着QSO视线的云结构不同以及它们的切线方向; QSO与星系之间的空间相关性;还有很多其他



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