首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences >Morphometric analysis and prioritization of sub-watersheds using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques: a case study of Odisha, India

Morphometric analysis and prioritization of sub-watersheds using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques: a case study of Odisha, India




The study area is one of the watersheds of Tel river, covering an area of 1515.45 km2 and lies between 19° 17′ and 20° 00′ N latitude and 82° 30′ and 82° 59′E longitude in Bhawanipatna area of Kalahandi district, Odisha, India. Poor soil cover, sparse vegetation, erratic rainfall and lack of soil moisture characterize the study area for most part of the year. Recurring drought coupled with increase in ground water exploitation results in decline in the ground water level. So the entire study area has been further divided into 12 sub-watersheds named SWS-1 to SWS-12, ranging in geographical area from 30 km2 to 202 km2 and has been taken up for prioritization based on morphometric analysis using GIS and remote sensing techniques. The drainage density of sub-watersheds varies between 1.09 to 3.36 km/km2 and low drainage density values of sub-watershed SWS-11 indicates that it has highly resistant, impermeable sub-soil material with dense vegetative cover and low relief. The elongation ratio varies from 0.6 - 0.8 which indicates high relief and steep ground slope. The high value of circularity ratio for SWS-11 sub-watershed (0.8) indicates the late maturity stage of topography. This anomaly is due to diversity of slope, relief and structural conditions prevailing in this sub-watershed. The compound parameter values are calculated and the sub-watershed with the lowest compound parameter is given the highest priority. The sub-watershed SWS-1 has a minimum compound parameter value of 4 is likely to be subjected to maximum soil erosion and susceptible to natural hazards. Hence it should be provided with immediate soil conservation measures.
机译:研究区域是Tel河的分水岭之一,面积为1515.45 km2,位于卡拉汉迪地区的Bhawanipatna地区,北纬19°17′至20°00′,东经82°30′至82°59′。 ,印度奥里萨邦。研究区域在一年中的大部分时间里表现为土壤覆盖不良,植被稀疏,降雨不规律和土壤水分不足。反复干旱加上地下水开采的增加导致地下水位下降。因此,整个研究区域被进一步划分为12个子流域,分别称为SWS-1至SWS-12,地理区域范围从30 km2到202 km2,并已基于GIS和遥感技术的形态计量分析进行了优先排序。 。子集水区的排水密度在1.09至3.36 km / km2之间变化,子集水区SWS-11的排水密度值低表明它具有高抵抗力,不可渗透的底土材料,植被覆盖密集,起伏低。伸长率在0.6-0.8之间变化,这表明高浮雕和陡峭的地面坡度。 SWS-11子流域的圆度比值很高(0.8),表明地形处于后期成熟阶段。该异常是由于该子流域中普遍存在的坡度,起伏和结构条件的多样性所致。计算复合参数值,并将具有最低复合参数的子集水区赋予最高优先级。子流域SWS-1的最小复合参数值为4,可能会遭受最大的土壤侵蚀,并易受自然灾害的影响。因此,应立即采取水土保持措施。



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