首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Impotence Research >Impact of introduction of sildenafil on other treatment modalities for erectile dysfunction: a study of nationwide and local hospital sales

Impact of introduction of sildenafil on other treatment modalities for erectile dysfunction: a study of nationwide and local hospital sales




We assess the impact of introduction of sildenafil on alprostadil injection and penile implant surgery for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) at our institution and in Taiwan. The data of national sales of sildenafil, alprostadil injection and penile implant were provided by industry companies. In the meanwhile, we analyzed the users of the above-mentioned three treatments at our institution. The national sales of sildenafil grew 136% from 0.8 million tablets in 1999 to 1.6 million tablets in 2002, while those of alprostadil injection dropped 33% after the marketing of sildenafil and of penile implant dropped 40% after the marketing of alprostadil injection and sildenafil. The market share of drugstores for sildenafil rose from 41% in 1999 to 72% in 2002. The trend of sales of sildenafil at our institution was similar to that of national sales from hospitals. Mean age of the sildenafil new users was becoming younger in the past 4y (PP<0.05). In conclusion, the introduction of sildenafil has prompted more men as well as younger men with ED to seek treatment. Part of the roles of alprostadil injection and penile implants in this field are substituted by sildenafil and the commonest age group of their users becomes older than before.
机译:我们在我们的机构和台湾评估了西地那非对前列地尔注射和阴茎植入术治疗勃起功能障碍(ED)的影响。西地那非,前列地尔注射液和阴茎植入物的全国销售数据由工业公司提供。同时,我们对我院上述三种治疗方法的使用者进行了分析。西地那非的全国销售量从1999年的80万片增长到2002年的160万片,增长了136%,而西地那非和阴茎植入物的市场销售下降了33%,而前列地尔注射液的销售下降了33%。和西地那非。西地那非药房的市场份额从1999年的41%上升到2002年的72%。我们机构中西地那非的销售趋势与全国医院的销售趋势相似。西地那非新使用者的平均年龄在过去的4年中越来越小(PP <0.05)。总之,西地那非的引入促使越来越多的男性以及年轻的ED患者寻求治疗。在该领域,前列地尔注射液和阴茎植入物的部分作用被西地那非取代,他们使用者中最普通的年龄组比以前年龄大。



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