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Effects of rural-urban youth migration on farm families in Benue state, Nigeria




The study was assessed to determine the effects of rural-urban youth migration on farm families in Benue state, Nigeria during November 2014 to June 2015. Interview schedule was used to collect data from a sample of 80 respondents. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean scores and standard deviation. Results indicate that majority (76.3%) of the respondents were males, middle aged and married. Major causes of ruralurban youth migration indicated by the respondents include inadequate employment opportunities in rural areas (M=3.6), search for better education (M=3.5), inadequate social infrastructure such as schools (M=3.4), poor medical care services in rural areas (M=3.4), looking for money through labour (M=3.4), apprenticeship programme (M=3.2), etc. Findings of the study also indicate that reduction of agricultural labour force (M=3.5), low agricultural productivity (M=3.3), high cost of labour (M= 3.3), reduction on demand for locally grown foods (M=2.9), decrease in dependency ratio in the rural areas (M=2.7), reduction on number of mouths to feed (M=2.7), among others were major effects of ruralurban youth migration among farm families. The study recommends that Nigerian government should provide adequate physical and social infrastructure in rural areas in order to encourage youths to remain in agriculture, reduce rural-urban youth migration as well as sustain agriculture for enhanced food security. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 6 (1): 14-20, June, 2016
机译:评估研究以确定在2014年11月至2015年6月间尼日利亚贝努埃州农村人口向城市青年迁移对农场家庭的影响。采用访谈时间表收集了80位受访者的数据。使用频率,百分比,平均分数和标准偏差分析数据。结果表明,大多数(76.3%)的受访者是男性,中年和已婚。受访者指出,农村青年人口向农村迁移的主要原因包括农村地区就业机会不足(M = 3.6),寻求更好的教育(M = 3.5),社会基础设施不足(如学校)(M = 3.4),贫困的医疗服务。农村地区(M = 3.4),通过劳力寻找货币(M = 3.4),学徒计划(M = 3.2)等。研究结果还表明,农业劳动力减少(M = 3.5),农业生产率低下(M = 3.3),高昂的劳动力成本(M = 3.3),对本地种植食物需求的减少(M = 2.9),农村地区抚养比的降低(M = 2.7),进食口的数量减少(M = 2.7),其中最重要的是农村农村青年在农户之间的迁移。该研究建议,尼日利亚政府应在农村地区提供适当的物质和社会基础设施,以鼓励青年人继续从事农业,减少农村向城市的青年移民以及维持农业以增强粮食安全。诠释J.阿格里尔。 Res。创新和技术。 6(1):2016年6月14日至20日



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