首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture >A study of optimal utilization of wood resource through alternative use of wood waste in fish smoking

A study of optimal utilization of wood resource through alternative use of wood waste in fish smoking




This study was conducted to determine and compare the suitability and efficiency of wood wastes (sawdust and wood shavings) as alternative energy sources to fuel wood in fish smoking with a view to enhancing optimal utilization of the wood resource. Fish samples collected were smoked with fuel wood, sawdust and wood shavings using Kainji portable smoking kiln. Proximate compositions of the samples were determined and the results subjected to statistical analysis using One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Except their moisture contents, the samples were not significantly different (p>0.05) in crude protein lipid and ash contents. The samples were also not significantly different (p>0.05) in their sensory properties. However, the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) recorded were 7.40, 17.14 and 8.57 kg/kg of fresh fish smoked with fuel wood, sawdust and wood shavings at the costs of ?284.49k, (1.43 USD) ?145.57k (0.73 USD) and ?67.31k (0.34 USD), respectively. The time spent to smoke 1 kg of fish with the various wood materials gave the following results: fuel wood 242 min, sawdust 960 min and wood shaving 363 min. It was therefore, concluded that both wood shavings and sawdust could efficiently be used as alternatives to fuel wood in fish smoking. Although a better result was obtained with wood shavings in terms of higher combustion rate and smoking duration. Nevertheless, the recommendation focused on the need to consider the alternative in sawdust and wood shavings in smoking fish so as to optimize the utilization of the wood resource reduces energy scarcity and promote environmental friendly practice in waste management.
机译:进行这项研究的目的是确定和比较以木屑(木屑和刨花)作为替代能源在鱼类吸烟中为木材提供燃料的适宜性和效率,以期增强木材资源的最佳利用。使用Kainji便携式烟窑将收集的鱼样品与薪柴,锯末和刨花一起熏制。确定样品的接近组成,并使用单向方差分析(ANOVA)对结果进行统计分析。除了水分含量,样品的粗蛋白脂质和灰分含量无显着差异(p> 0.05)。样品的感官特性也没有显着差异(p> 0.05)。但是,记录的单位燃料消耗量(SFC)为7.40、17.14和8.57千克/千克鲜鱼,用熏柴,锯末和刨花熏制,成本为284.49k欧元(1.43美元)至145.57k欧元(0.73美元)和£67.31k(0.34 USD)。用各种木质材料熏制1千克鱼所花费的时间产生以下结果:燃木242分钟,锯末960分钟,刨花363分钟。因此,得出的结论是,刨花和锯末都可以有效地用作替代烟熏鱼的燃料。尽管就较高的燃烧速率和吸烟时间而言,刨花可获得更好的结果。然而,该建议集中在需要考虑吸烟鱼的锯末和刨花中的替代品,以便优化利用木材资源减少能源短缺并促进废物管理中的环境友好做法。



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