首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Tobacco Cessation Quitline Spending in 2005 and 2006: What State-Level Factors Matter?

Tobacco Cessation Quitline Spending in 2005 and 2006: What State-Level Factors Matter?




Tobacco cessation telephone quitlines are an effective population-wide strategy for smoking cessation, but funding for this service varies widely. State-level factors may explain this difference. Data from the 2005 and 2006 North American Quitline Consortium surveys and from publicly available sources were analyzed to identify factors that predict higher levels of per capita quitline funding. The best-fitting multivariate model comprised higher per capita tobacco control funding (2005 p = 0.004, 2006 p=0.000), not securitizing Master Settlement Agreement payments (2005 p = 0.008, 2006 p=0.01), and liberal political ideology (2005 p = 0.002, 2006 p=0.002). Select state-level factors appear to have influenced per capita quitline services funding. These findings can help inform advocates and policymakers as they advocate for quitlines and tobacco control funding.
机译:戒烟电话戒烟热线是全人群戒烟的有效策略,但是此项服务的资金差异很大。国家层面的因素可以解释这种差异。分析了2005年和2006年北美戒烟热线协会调查的数据以及来自公开渠道的数据,以识别预测人均戒烟热线资金水平更高的因素。最合适的多元模型包括较高的人均控烟资金(2005 p = 0.004,2006 p = 0.000),未证券化《和解协议》付款(2005 p = 0.008,2006 p = 0.01),以及自由主义的政治意识形态(2005 p = 0.002,2006 p = 0.002)。选择的州级因素似乎已影响人均戒烟热线服务的资金。这些发现可以帮助倡导者和决策者宣传戒烟和烟草控制资金。



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