首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Fine Particulate Matter in Urban Environments: A Trigger of Respiratory Symptoms in Sensitive Children

Fine Particulate Matter in Urban Environments: A Trigger of Respiratory Symptoms in Sensitive Children




The overall objective of this research was to study children’s respiratory illness levels in Targoviste (Romania) in relationship to the outdoor concentrations of airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter below 2.5 μm (PM 2.5 ). We monitored and analysed the PM 2.5 concentrations according to a complex experimental protocol. The health trial was conducted over three months (October–December 2015) and required the active cooperation of the children’s parents to monitor carefully the respiratory symptoms of the child, i.e., coughing, rhinorrhoea, wheezing, and fever, as well as their outdoor program. We selected the most sensitive children ( n = 25; age: 2–10 years) with perturbed respiratory health, i.e., wheezing, asthma, and associated symptoms. The estimated average PM 2.5 doses were 0.8–14.5 μg·day ?1 for weekdays, and 0.4–6.6 μg·day ?1 for the weekend. The frequency and duration of the symptoms decreased with increasing age. The 4- to 5-year old children recorded the longest duration of symptoms, except for rhinorrhoea, which suggested that this age interval is the most vulnerable to exogenous trigger agents ( p < 0.01) compared to the other age groups. PM 2.5 air pollution was found to have a direct positive correlation with the number of wheezing episodes ( r = 0.87; p < 0.01) in November 2015. Monitoring of wheezing occurrences in the absence of fever can provide a reliable assessment of the air pollution effect on the exacerbation of asthma and respiratory disorders in sensitive children.
机译:这项研究的总体目标是研究塔戈维亚(罗马尼亚)儿童的呼吸系统疾病水平与空气动力学直径低于2.5μm(PM 2.5)的空气中颗粒物的室外浓度的关系。我们根据复杂的实验方案监测并分析了PM 2.5浓度。这项健康试验历时三个月(2015年10月至12月),需要孩子父母的积极配合,以仔细监测孩子的呼吸道症状,例如咳嗽,鼻涕,喘息和发烧,以及他们的户外活动。我们选择了最敏感的儿童,他们的呼吸系统健康受到干扰,即喘息,哮喘和相关症状,年龄为25岁; 2-10岁。估计平日PM 2.5的平均剂量为0.8–14.5μg·天?1,周末为0.4–6.6μg·天?1。症状的频率和持续时间随着年龄的增长而降低。 4至5岁的儿童记录的症状持续时间最长,鼻炎除外,这表明与其他年龄组相比,该年龄段最容易受到外源性触发剂的影响(p <0.01)。发现2015年11月PM 2.5空气污染与哮喘发作次数有直接正相关(r = 0.87; p <0.01)。在没有发烧的情况下监测喘息的发生可以可靠地评估空气污染的影响对敏感儿童哮喘和呼吸系统疾病的恶化。



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