首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks >Highly scalable intelligent sensory application and time domain matrix for safety-critical system design

Highly scalable intelligent sensory application and time domain matrix for safety-critical system design




The designs of highly scalable intelligent sensory application—Ethernet-based communication architectures—are moving toward the integration of a fault recovery and fault-detection algorithm on the automotive industry. In particular, each port on the same network interface card design is required to provide highly scalable and low-latency communication. In this article, we present a study of intelligent sensory application for the Ethernet-based communication architecture and performance of multi-port configuration which is mainly used in safety-enhanced application such as automotive, military, finance, and aerospace, in other words, safety-critical applications. Our contributions and observations on the highly scalable intelligent behavior: (1) proposed network interface card board design scheme and architecture with multi-port configuration are a stable network configuration; (2) timing matrix is defined for fault detection and recovery time; (3) experimental and related verification methods by cyclic redundancy check between client–server and testing platform provide comparable results to each port configurations; and (4) application program interface–level algorithm is defined to make network interface card ready for fault detection.
机译:高度可扩展的智能传感应用程序(基于以太网的通信体系结构)的设计正在朝着汽车行业中故障恢复和故障检测算法的集成发展。特别是,需要使用同一网络接口卡设计上的每个端口来提供高度可扩展的低延迟通信。在本文中,我们对基于以太网的通信体系结构和多端口配置性能的智能传感应用进行了研究,该技术主要用于汽车,军事,金融和航空航天等安全性得到增强的应用,换句话说,安全关键型应用程序。我们对高度可扩展的智能行为的贡献和观察:(1)提出的具有多端口配置的网络接口卡板设计方案和体系结构是稳定的网络配置; (2)定义时序矩阵以进行故障检测和恢复时间; (3)通过客户端-服务器和测试平台之间的循环冗余检查进行的实验和相关验证方法,可以为每个端口配置提供可比的结果; (4)定义了应用程序接口级算法,以使网络接口卡为故障检测做好准备。



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