首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks >A Dynamic and Distributed Scheduling for Data Aggregation in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks Using Power Control

A Dynamic and Distributed Scheduling for Data Aggregation in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks Using Power Control




Data aggregation scheduling in ubiquitous sensor networks is a major research interest for many researchers. Very little research is carried out to schedule the nodes in ubiquitous sensor networks for maximizing the throughput and utilize the hardware resources effectively. The traditional graph model does not model the interferences occurring from the concurrent transmissions in the Ubiquitous Sensor Networks. Hence in this paper we propose a new network model for the USN called a power control collision interference free model and a novel distributed data aggregation scheduling protocol which is adaptive to the rate and power. We tested the protocol in a USN consisting of 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 number of nodes with different topologies and varying degree 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, …, 40. We compared our results with the other protocols and proved that our proposed power control collision interference free model yields better results.
机译:无处不在的传感器网络中的数据聚合调度是许多研究人员的主要研究兴趣。为了使吞吐量最大化并有效地利用硬件资源,很少进行研究来调度普遍存在的传感器网络中的节点。传统的图形模型不对泛在传感器网络中的并发传输产生的干扰进行建模。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一种新的USN网络模型,称为无功率控制冲突无干扰模型,以及一种新的适用于速率和功率的分布式数据聚合调度协议。我们在USN中测试了该协议,该USN包含50、100、150、200和250个数量的节点,这些节点具有不同的拓扑和不同的等级2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16、18、20,..., 40.我们将结果与其他协议进行了比较,并证明了我们提出的功率控制无碰撞干扰模型产生了更好的结果。



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