首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering >A Framework for Task Scheduling in Distributed System

A Framework for Task Scheduling in Distributed System




One assesses of adequacy of a broadly useful conveyed distributed system is the system's capacity to commend a level of execution similar to the level of variety of assets present in the system. Various methodologies and measurements of execution have been proposed trying to Effectuate this objective in existing systems. Adscititious, similar to issue plans exist in different fields, for example, control hypothesis, operations research, and generation administration. Be that as it may, because of the wide assortment of ways to deal with his issue, it is hard to seriously look at changed systems since there is no uniform means for subjectively or quantitatively assessing them. It is hard to effectively expand after existing work or recognize ranges deserving of extra exertion without some comprehension of the connections between past endeavors. A two-pass scheduling calculation in parallel and appropriated PC systems is introduced in this paper. We consider this calculation as a complex of two phases: prepare line arrangement and task technique. Another approach of both stages acknowledgment is proposed. Our calculation can be utilized to build the effectiveness of static and element Scheduling.



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