首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Coal Science & Technology >Laboratory testing of a shuttle car canopy air curtain for respirable coal mine dust control

Laboratory testing of a shuttle car canopy air curtain for respirable coal mine dust control




Canopy air curtain (CAC) technology has been developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for use on continuous miners and subsequently roof bolting machines in underground coal mines to protect operators of these machines from overexposure to respirable coal mine dust. The next logical progression is to develop a CAC for shuttle cars to protect operators from the same overexposures. NIOSH awarded a contract to Marshall University and J.H. Fletcher to develop the shuttle car CAC. NIOSH conducted laboratory testing to determine the dust control efficiency of the shuttle car CAC. Testing was conducted on two different cab configurations: a center drive similar to that on a Joy 10SC32AA cab model and an end drive similar to that on a Joy 10SC32AB cab model. Three different ventilation velocities were tested—0.61, 2.0, 4.3?m/s (120, 400, and 850 fpm). The lowest, 0.61?m/s (120 fpm), represented the ventilation velocity encountered during loading by the continuous miner, while the 4.3?m/s (850 fpm) velocity represented ventilation velocity airflow over the shuttle car while tramming against ventilation airflow. Test results showed an average of the dust control efficiencies ranging from 74 to 83% for 0.61?m/s (120 fpm), 39%–43% for 2.0?m/s (400 fpm), and 6%–16% for 4.3?m/s (850 fpm). Incorporating an airflow spoiler to the shuttle car CAC design and placing the CAC so that it is located 22.86?cm (9?in.) forward of the operator improved the dust control efficiency to 51%–55% for 4.3?m/s (850 fpm) with minimal impact on dust control efficiencies for lower ventilation velocities. These laboratory tests demonstrate that the newly developed shuttle car CAC has the potential to successfully protect shuttle car operators from coal mine respirable dust overexposures.
机译:国立职业安全与健康研究所(NIOSH)已开发出冠层气幕(CAC)技术,用于连续采矿者和地下煤矿的顶锚机,以保护这些机器的操作员避免过度暴露于可吸入粉尘。下一步的逻辑发展是为穿梭车开发CAC,以保护操作员免受相同的过度暴露。 NIOSH与Marshall大学和J.H. Fletcher开发了CAC穿梭车。 NIOSH进行了实验室测试,以确定穿梭车CAC的除尘效率。测试是在两种不同的驾驶室配置上进行的:类似于Joy 10SC32AA驾驶室型号的中央驱动器和类似于Joy 10SC32AB驾驶室型号的中央驱动器。测试了三种不同的通风速度-0.61、2.0、4.3?m / s(120、400和850 fpm)。最低的0.61?m / s(120 fpm)表示连续采矿机在装载过程中遇到的通风速度,而4.3?m / s(850 fpm)的速度表示穿梭车上的通风速度气流,同时阻碍通风气流。测试结果表明,平均粉尘控制效率在0.61?m / s(120 fpm)的情况下为74%至83%,在2.0?m / s(400 fpm)的情况下为39%–43%,在粉尘控制效率的情况下为6%–16% 4.3?m / s(850 fpm)。在梭车CAC设计中加入气流扰流板,并将CAC放置在操作员前方22.86厘米(9英寸)的位置,可将粉尘控制效率提高到51%至55%(4.3平方米/秒)( 850 fpm)对降尘效率的影响最小,以降低通风速度。这些实验室测试表明,新开发的航天飞机CAC有潜力成功保护航天飞机操作员免受煤矿可吸入粉尘的过度暴露。



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