首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology >Fault-Tolerant Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

Fault-Tolerant Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks




Wireless Sensor Networks are a special type of adhoc networks, where wireless devices collaborate with other devices to send data to the destination. Synchronization is an important issue for wireless sensor networks because temporal coordination is required for many of the collaborative tasks they perform. E.g. For the task of Data Fusion, in object tracking and velocity estimation, in setting the sleep modes of the various nodes so that the battery life is prolonged, etc.. There are several synchronization schemes which have been put forward till date. But only few of them are faulttolerant. FaultTolerant, in this context, means that the scheme would work efficiently even in the presence of malicious nodes. Malicious nodes in this paper refer mainly to the nodes which may provide incorrect time. This paper proposes a novel faulttolerant synchronization scheme which will provide internal synchronization, taking into consideration the malicious or faulty nodes present in the network.



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