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Diabetic parturient - Anaesthetic implications




Pregnancy induces progressive changes in maternal carbohydrate metabolism. As pregnancy advances insulin resistance and diabetogenic stress due to placental hormones necessitate compensatory increase in insulin secretion. When this compensation is inadequate gestational diabetes develops. ‘Gestational diabetes mellitus’ (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance with onset or recognition during pregnancy. Women diagnosed to have GDM are at increased risk of future diabetes predominantly type 2 DM as are their children. Thus GDM offers an important opportunity for the development, testing and implementation of clinical strategies for diabetes prevention. Timely action taken now in screening all pregnant women for glucose intolerance, achieving euglycaemia in them and ensuring adequate nutrition may prevent in all probability, the vicious cycle of transmitting glucose intolerance from one generation to another. Given that diabetic mothers have proportionately larger babies it is likely that vaginal delivery will be more difficult than in the normal population, with a higher rate of instrumentally assisted delivery, episiotomy and conversion to urgent caesarean section. So an indwelling epidural catheter is a better choice for labour analgesia as well to use, should a caesarean delivery become necessary. Diabetes in pregnancy has potential serious adverse effects for both the mother and the neonate. Standardized multidisciplinary care including anaesthetists should be carried out obsessively throughout pregnancy. Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder of pregnancy. In pregnancy, it has considerable cost and care demands and is associated with increased risks to the health of the mother and the outcome of the pregnancy. However, with careful and appropriate screening, multidisciplinary management and a motivated patient these risks can be minimized.Keywords: Anaesthesia, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy
机译:怀孕会引起孕产妇碳水化合物代谢的逐步改变。随着怀孕的进行,由于胎盘激素引起的胰岛素抵抗和糖尿病致应激性,需要胰岛素分泌的补偿性增加。当这种补偿不足时,就会发生妊娠糖尿病。 “妊娠糖尿病”(GDM)的定义是碳水化合物不耐症,在怀孕期间会发作或被识别。被诊断患有GDM的女性和其子女一样,罹患未来2型DM的风险更高。因此,GDM为糖尿病预防的临床策略的开发,测试和实施提供了重要的机会。现在采取及时行动筛查所有孕妇的葡萄糖耐量不全,在其中获得正常血糖,并确保充足的营养,很可能会阻止将葡萄糖耐量不佳从一代传给另一代的恶性循环。鉴于糖尿病母亲的婴儿比例较大,因此阴道分娩的难度可能会比正常人群高,而通过仪器辅助分娩,会阴切开和转换为紧急剖腹产的比例更高。因此,如果必须进行剖腹产手术,则留置硬膜外导管是进行分娩镇痛的较好选择。妊娠糖尿病对母亲和新生儿都有潜在的严重不良影响。在整个怀孕期间,都应强迫性地进行标准化的多学科护理,包括麻醉师。糖尿病是最常见的妊娠内分泌疾病。在怀孕期间,它具有相当大的成本和护理要求,并且与母亲健康和怀孕结果的风险增加有关。然而,通过仔细和适当的筛查,多学科管理和积极的患者,这些风险可以降到最低。关键词:麻醉,糖尿病,妊娠



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