首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biophysics >The Startling Effect of the Sound of C. Afra and A. Tormotus on the Female A. Gambiae

The Startling Effect of the Sound of C. Afra and A. Tormotus on the Female A. Gambiae

机译:C。 Afr a 和 A的声音的惊人效果。 T 雌蕊在雌性 A上。 Ga mbiae



The female Anopheles gambiae, a malaria vector, detects ultrasound by its antenna, initiating an attractive or repulsive response. Modern electronic mosquito repellents exploit this concept in attempt to control malaria, but have shown only 20 % effectiveness. This work determines the startle response of the female A. gambiae to recorded sound of C. afra and A. tormotus and optimum acoustic transmission parameters needed for the design of an effective electronic mosquito repellent. A bioassay involving 3-4 day old female A. gambiae bred and reared under standard conditions was conducted in a standard glass cage yielding evasive behavioural responses on exposure to varied frequencies. The 35-60 kHz sound of A. tormotus and C. afra, the optimum frequency range, evoked evasive responses in an average of 46 % and 23 % of the mosquitoes, higher than the reported 20 % effective repulsion of EMR sound. The evasive response was characterized by 58.5o antenna erection, physical injury, unusual rest and movement, fatigue and falls; attributed to neural stress and fear for predation. The steady increase in signal intensity, maximum and mean acoustic energy in the sound of A. tormotus over all frequency ranges yielded greatest startle response in the female A. gambiae.
机译:雌性冈比亚按蚊是一种疟疾媒介,通过其天线检测到超声波,从而引发吸引或排斥反应。现代电子驱蚊剂试图利用这种概念来控制疟疾,但仅显示出20%的有效性。这项工作确定了雌性冈比亚按蚊对记录的非洲按蚊和乌龟的声音的惊吓反应,以及设计有效的电子驱蚊剂所需的最佳声传递参数。在标准条件下,在标准条件下饲养并饲养的3-4天大雌性冈比亚拟南芥进行了生物测定,当暴露于不同频率时会产生逃避行为的反应。最佳频率范围的龟甲和非洲梭菌的35-60 kHz声音在平均46%和23%的蚊子中引起逃避反应,高于所报道的20%的EMR声音有效排斥力。躲避反应的特征是天线竖起58.5o,身体受伤,异常的休息和运动,疲劳和跌倒。归因于神经压力和对捕食的恐惧。在所有频率范围内,乌龟曲霉声音中信号强度,最大声能量和平均声能的稳定增加在雌性冈比亚曲霉中产生了最大的惊吓反应。



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