
The validation of a home food inventory




Background Home food inventories provide an efficient method for assessing home food availability; however, few are validated. The present study's aim was to develop and validate a home food inventory that is easily completed by research participants in their homes and includes a comprehensive range of both healthful and less healthful foods that are associated with obesity. Methods A home food inventory (HFI) was developed and tested with two samples. Sample 1 included 51 adult participants and six trained research staff who independently completed the HFI in participants' homes. Sample 2 included 342 families in which parents completed the HFI and the Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ) and students completed three 24-hour dietary recall interviews. HFI items assessed 13 major food categories as well as two categories assessing ready-access to foods in the kitchen and the refrigerator. An obesogenic household food availability score was also created. To assess criterion validity, participants' and research staffs' assessment of home food availability were compared (staff = gold standard). Criterion validity was evaluated with kappa, sensitivity, and specificity. Construct validity was assessed with correlations of five HFI major food category scores with servings of the same foods and associated nutrients from the DHQ and dietary recalls. Results Kappa statistics for all 13 major food categories and the two ready-access categories ranged from 0.61 to 0.83, indicating substantial agreement. Sensitivity ranged from 0.69 to 0.89, and specificity ranged from 0.86 to 0.95. Spearman correlations between staff and participant major food category scores ranged from 0.71 to 0.97. Correlations between the HFI scores and food group servings and nutrients on the DHQ (parents) were all significant (p < .05) while about half of associations between the HFI and dietary recall interviews (adolescents) were significant (p < .05). The obesogenic home food availability score was significantly associated (p < .05) with energy intake of both parents and adolescents. Conclusion This new home food inventory is valid, participant-friendly, and may be useful for community-based behavioral nutrition and obesity prevention research. The inventory builds on previous measures by including a wide range of healthful and less healthful foods rather than foods targeted for a specific intervention.
机译:背景技术家庭食物清单提供了一种评估家庭食物供应的有效方法。但是,很少有经过验证的。本研究的目的是开发和验证家庭食物清单,研究参与者可以轻松地在家中完成食物清单,其中包括与肥胖有关的一系列健康食品和不健康食品。方法建立家庭食物清单(HFI)并用两个样本进行测试。样本1包括51名成年参与者和6名受过训练的研究人员,他们在参与者的家中独立完成了HFI。样本2包括342个家庭,其中父母完成了HFI和饮食史调查表(DHQ),学生完成了三个24小时的饮食召回访谈。 HFI项目评估了13种主要食品类别以及评估厨房和冰箱中现成食品的两个类别。还创建了一个致肥胖的家庭食物可获得性评分。为了评估标准的有效性,将参与者和研究人员对家庭食物供应的评估进行了比较(员工=金标准)。通过kappa,敏感性和特异性评估标准有效性。通过将五个HFI主要食品类别评分与DHQ和饮食召回中的相同食物和相关营养份量的相关性,评估构建体的有效性。结果所有13个主要食品类别和两个现成食品类别的Kappa统计数据范围从0.61到0.83,表明基本一致。灵敏度范围从0.69到0.89,特异性范围从0.86到0.95。员工与参与者主要食物类别得分之间的Spearman相关性介于0.71至0.97之间。 HFI评分与DHQ上食物组份和营养成分(父母)之间的相关性均很显着(p <.05),而HFI和饮食回忆访谈(青少年)之间的相关性约有一半(p <.05)。致肥胖的家庭食物供应量得分与父母和青少年的能量摄入显着相关(p <.05)。结论:这种新的家庭食品清单是有效的,对参与者友好的,对于基于社区的行为营养和肥胖预防研究可能有用。清单以以前的措施为基础,包括各种健康和不太健康的食品,而不是针对特定干预措施的食品。



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